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There are some common reasons for rejecting a family visit visa in Saudi Arabia. We have listed them down below;
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Insufficient Iqama Validity
The applicant must have at least three months of Iqama validity when applying for the Family Visit Visa.
Wrongly filled application
Your application must be filled with due care and take into account the instructions given in this link. For example, the reason for rejecting the following family visit visa is to enter the wrong visa number.
Wrong Chamber of Commerce
Another common reason for the rejection of family visit visa in Saudi Arabia is submitting the visit visa to a different chamber of commerce than the address عنوان written in the visa application.
Hajj Season
Here, hajj season pertains to any time between the 1st of Ramadan and the 1st of Safar. If you want to apply for a family visit visa for your loved ones, make sure you do it before the start of the month of Ramadan. Applying it during the hajj season is one of the common reasons for Saudi family visit visa rejection.
Relationship with the Applicant
There are some relations listed on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who can get a family visit visa. These relations are;
- Wife/Husband.
- Children.
- Parents.
- Parents-in-Law.
- Brother and his family (wife and children).
- Sister and her family (husband and children).
- Sister-in-Law (sister of the spouse).
- Brother-in-Law (brother of the spouse).
- Grand Parents.
Another important reason for the Saudi Family Visit Visa Rejection is that people apply for a visa for relations other than this. Applying for a family visit visa for any other relative is likely to be rejected.
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