Bosnian man cured a tumor with ZamZam water

A Bosnian man named Nihad J. who lives in Sarajevo has shared his story of curing a liver tumor with ZamZam water.

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Liver Tumor at Advanced stage

Back in 2006 when he was 32 years old, he was diagnosed with having a liver tumor. As the tumor was at its advanced stages, doctors suggested a liver transplant in Switzerland.

Nihad knew that it would cost both time and money to get treated in Slovenia or Switzerland.

Nihad came for Hajj

In 2007, Nihad went to Saudi Arabia to perform the Hajj. When he landed in Madinah, he met an Imam who belonged to Bosnia. Nihad explained about his liver tumor to the Imam.

He started drinking ZamZam

The Imam told Nihad that ZamZam water has healing characteristics. He recommended Nihad drink only ZamZam water with the intention of healing and recovering.

Therefore, during his stay in Saudi Arabia, he was drinking only ZamZam water.

A miracle happened

After getting back to Bosnia, he went to his doctor who was surprised that the size of the tumor was reducing.

He continued taking ZamZam water even in Bosnia and finally, the tumor was gone! The doctors and the family were surprised yet Nihad knew that it is Allah who could do the miracles!

Source: Ilm Feed

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