People who leave Saudi Arabia on a final exit are curious to know when can they come back to Saudi Arabia? Is there a final exit ban on returning to KSA?
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A proposal of the final exit ban
The Council of Saudi Chambers has proposed a 2 years ban on expats who want to return to KSA after leaving on the Final exit as reported by the Arab News.
Can I come back to Saudi Arabia after the final exit?
This proposal has created many rumors on social media that the government of Saudi Arabia is considering imposing a ban of 2 years on expatriates who leave on a final exit.
The Jawazat has denied these rumors circulating all around the social media and stated that they are not planning to impose any ban on expatriates on returning to KSA after the final exit. – Saudi Gazette
As a result, you can come back to Saudi Arabia immediately after the final exit visa only if you;
- Don’t have a court case or legal complaint against you and,
- Are not blacklisted by the government.
- Don’t have an unpaid loan against you which is reported to the court. In case of an unpaid loan, you will have to repay it before returning to KSA. Recommended: What happens for leaving Saudi Arabia with an unpaid loan?
How to get a new visa after the final exit visa?
- Your new employer will have to arrange a new visa for you. You need to ensure that your degree matches with the profession of the new visa.
- An expatriate always has a fixed-term contract in Saudi Arabia, make sure to complete your contract.
- Resign from your current job with enough Notice period as per Saudi Labor Law.
- Get the final exit visa from your employer. It worth noting that there is a 3-year ban for not coming back on Exit Reentry Visa.
- Process the Saudi work visa on your passport.
- Welcome back to Saudi Arabia!
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