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Saudi prisoners spending jail term in Saudi Arabia are given the following facilities and benefits during their imprisonment;
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Monthly Allowance
Each of the inmates currently incarcerated at the Qatif prison is currently being provided with a monthly allowance or stipend of SAR 1500.
In addition to their allowance, the families of the prisoners also receive a monthly allowance of SAR 2000 plus payments are made by the officials in order to pay for their children’s school fees, house rent, and fines.
Rehabilitation Program
The Qatif Prison facility has been providing quality rehabilitation and correctional services for all the inmates currently being held at the facility. This correctional and rehabilitation process includes special foods, sports programs, and education.
Settlement of Debts
The unit has now also formed a special settlement committee in order to consider paying any obligations and debts that the inmates might have accumulated.
Food and Medication
The inmates of the Qatif Prison facility are currently receiving cooked meals which are in adherence to the highest standards of health which have been set by the specialists in the field.
There are also special meals available for diabetic prisoners and all other prisoners who might be suffering from any ailment such as obesity or high blood pressure.
The Qatif Prison facility currently has 137 health staff employed at their health facility which has been fitted with 16 beds as well as two chairs for the patients who require dialysis.
The prisoners incarcerated at the Qatif Prison Facility are also allowed to continue their public education as well as university education through correspondence.
Other Facilities
A separate special area has also been created for all those prisoners who show good behavior.
The area has 14 rooms, a private library, a supermarket, a café, and also telephones, which the prisoners in that area can use for 20 minutes every week, plus a window of communication for the families of the prisoners.
Source: Arab News
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