Seeing a honey bee or flies in a dream could have many meanings and interpretations in Islam as explained below.
Bees or Flies
According to Ibn Sirin رحمة الله عليه, the most incredible dream interpreter of Islam, a bee in the dream is interpreted as a very dishonorable person who has worldly desires.
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If the dreamer sees that many honey bees are on him and getting in his mouth and nose, he will earn money from a dishonorable person but shall face loss.
If the dreamer sees bees entering his ears, the dreamer will hear something ill from a dishonored person, which will hurt him.
If the dreamer hears the buzzing sound of bees in a dream, it means that the dreamer shall listen to the noise of people talking in real life.
According to Ibrahim Karmani رحمة الله عليه, a 16th-century scholar of Islam, seeing a bee in the dream is interpreted as a person who is jealous of others and is not honorable.
If the dreamer sees that bees/flies have surrounded him, he shall get in business with jealous people who have low social respect.
If the dreamer sees many flies flying in his house, the people will talk about such a man.
If the dreamer sees that the bees/ flies are biting him, then the disrespectful people will envy him and be jealous of him.
In a dream, if the dreamer sees that he has killed the bees/ flies, then it means that he shall be able to be influential over the envious.
If the dreamer sees that the flies are going underground, then it means that the envious will take over the collected wealth of the dreamer and shall offer loss to the dreamer.
Honey Bee
According to Ibn Sirin رحمة الله عليه, the most incredible dream interpreter of Islam, a honey bee in the dream is interpreted as a man having ample wealth and/or a woman who earns.
If the person sees that he has caught the honey bee or it has been gifted to him, then it means that he will attain wealth from winning the war.
According to Jabar Maghrabi رحمة الله عليه, if the dreamer sees that the honey bees are biting him, then it means that he shall attain wealth and blessings through pain.
If the dreamer sees that the honey bees are eating honey, he will face losses and pain proportional to the bees eating honey.
Taking honey from the honey bees in the dream means that he will listen to words of wisdom and will attain benefits from it!
Disclaimer: The material used for the interpretation of dreams has been extracted from the Ibn Sirin book for dream interpretations. You can read the book here.
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