We know that there are certain Iqama professions who are eligible to get on arrival visit visa of Dubai (UAE). There has been a great confusion among expatriates living in GCC countries and especially in Saudi Arabia about the Iqama professions who are entitled to get on arrival visit visa of Dubai (UAE).
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Today, I have brought up the list for you. Before going into further details about that, I just want to remind you that you can get on arrival visa of Dubai (UAE) either in Dubai (UAE) airport if you travel through airplane or on the border if you travel Dubai by Road.
I went to UAE Embassy in Saudi Arabia last week for some work and I requested the officer to let me take a copy of the list of professions who are eligible to get on arrival visa of Dubai (UAE). I have tried to translate it into English with the help of Google Translator.
S.N | Profession in Arabic | Profession in English |
1 | جمىع \لمهن الحكومية ما عدا المهن العالمىة | All Employees of the Government |
2 | مدراء الشركات والمؤسسات | Managers of companies and institutions |
3 | الاطباء | Doctors |
4 | المهندسىن | Engineers |
5 | الصيدلي | Chemist |
6 | مسنول علاقات | |
7 | مندوب مبيعات | Sales Person |
8 | مندوب مشتريات | Purchase Person |
9 | مدير مشتريات | Purchase Manager |
10 | مدير مبيعات | Sales Manager |
11 | محاسب | Accountant |
12 | مدقق حسابات | Auditor |
13 | مبرمج كمبيوتر | Computer Programmer |
14 | محلل نظم | System Analyst |
15 | مساح | Surveyor |
16 | جيولوجي | Geologist |
17 | كيميائي | Chemical |
18 | مدرس خاص | Special Teacher |
19 | مراقب جوده | |
20 | مراقب طرق | |
21 | مراقب اداري | Administrative Monitor |
22 | مساعد اداري | Administrative Assistant |
23 | مراقب ارصاد جويه | |
24 | مرصد اخبار | |
25 | مستثمر | Investor |
26 | تاجر | Trader |
27 | شريك | Partner |
28 | مسنول استيراد وتصدير | Importer and Exporter |
29 | خبير شؤون اقتصاديه | Expert in Economic Affairs |
30 | مستشار | Adviser |
31 | مفتش | Inspector |
32 | رسام معمارى | Architectural Draftsman |
33 | محرر | Editor |
34 | باحث | Researcher |
35 | مترجم | translator |
36 | فيزيائي | Physicist |
37 | اخصائي | Specialist |
38 | ممرض متخصص | Nurse Specialist |
39 | طيار | Pilot |
40 | قبطان | Captain |
41 | ملاح | Navigator |
42 | مضيف جوي | |
43 | موظفى شركات طىران | Employees of airlines |
44 | استاز جامعى | Teachers of University |
45 | محامى | Lawyer |
46 | محاضر | Lecturer |
47 | فنى لاسلكى | |
48 | فني كمبيوتر | Computer Technician |
49 | فني اشعه | Ray technician |
50 | فني بترول | Petroleum technician |
51 | فني ابار نفط | Art oil wells |
52 | فني غاز | Gas technician |
53 | فني مختبر | Laboratory technician |
54 | فني تلفزيونى | TV technician |
55 | فني مونتاج | Art montage |
56 | مخرج | Director |
57 | معد برامج | Contagious programs |
58 | خبير | Expert |
59 | صحفى | Press |
The Original Copy taken from the UAE Embassy for the list of professions who are eligible to get on arrival Visa of Dubai (UAE) is given below.
If your profession is not listed in the list above, you can call to UAE embassy at Riyadh on 011-482-7366 or Dubai Airport on +971-4-224-5555 to confirm it.
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