List of Prohibited Items not to bring at Saudi Airports

Every Saudi resident should know the list of items prohibited or banned by customs to be brought through airports, airlines, or any other way in Saudi Arabia. People also want to know if Naswar or sex toys are also prohibited in Saudi Arabia.

Do you know that hundreds of people are penalized every year for bringing items prohibited or banned by customs through airports or airlines in Saudi Arabia? Therefore, we have produced this list for you.

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  1. Alcohol

Alcohol is among the items prohibited or banned by customs from being brought through airports, airlines, or any other way in Saudi Arabia.

Alcohol distilling equipment, Alcohol in general, Alcohol-containing items, flavoring extracts, cooking wines, winemaking kits, books on the manufacturing of such drinks or any foods with alcohol, alcoholic beverages, kinds of Liquor, or items containing liquor as an ingredient come under the same category.

220 Punishment of Drinking Alcohol (Liquor) in Saudi Arabia

  1. Sex Toys

Sex toys are prohibited in Saudi Arabia. Sex toys, items related to sex and/or obscene material, literature including fashion magazines with people wearing undergarments or swimsuits, and Massage devices that are presented in an immoral way are on the list of items prohibited or banned by customs to be brought through airports, airlines or any other way in Saudi Arabia.

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  1. Pormographic Material

All pormographic material is in the list of items prohibited or banned by customs to bring through airports, airlines or any other way in Saudi Arabia.


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  1. Narcotics

All kinds of narcotics, including heroin, cocaine, morphine Al-Shama and Suiqa material (Chewing Tobacco) or any other drug of this kind are in the list of items prohibited or banned by customs to bring through airports, airlines, or any other way in Saudi Arabia.  


  1. Bible, Christmas trees, and Crosses

Bible, Christmas trees, Crosses, Crucifixes or stars of David, decorations, or any other items (BIBLES) associated with religions other than Islam are on the list of items prohibited or banned by customs to bring through airports, airlines, or any other way in Saudi Arabia.

  1. A prototype of the Holy Kaaba

A prototype of the Kaaba Shrine, a Prototype of Prophet Mohammad’s ring, the Quran in commercial quantities, Statues, figurines, and carvings are among the items prohibited or banned by customs from being brought through airports, airlines, or any other way in Saudi Arabia.

  1. Animal Blood Products

Animal blood products, Frogs meat, Furs & Ivory, Live animals including insects, Pigs (Swine) and pork products, Processed or Unprocessed dead animals or parts, spawn of silk-worms, any kinds of soil, leaf, stem, straw and natural manure are in the list of items prohibited or banned by customs to bring through airports, airlines or any other way in Saudi Arabia.

Moreover, raw natural organic fertilizers generated from animals or vegetables are also banned in Saudi Arabia.

  1. ZamZam Water

While pilgrims are allowed to take one bottle of ZamZam water from Saudi Arabia, it is in in the list of items prohibited or banned by customs to bring through airports, airlines or any other way in Saudi Arabia.

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  1. Weapons and firearms

Weapons and firearms (natural or ornamental), including guns, Antique guns, ammunition, fireworks, spears, and other edged weapons, Special types of knives for aggressive purposes like double-edged knives or handheld knives, Explosive and radioactive materials, crackers, etc. (owner subject to investigation, fines, and/or imprisonment) all are in the list of items prohibited or banned by customs to bring through airports, airlines or any other way in Saudi Arabia.

  1. Night vision binoculars

Night vision binoculars through which it is possible to see in the dark, binoculars that capture images at night and binoculars for targets identification or similar items are in the list of items prohibited or banned by customs to bring through airports, airlines or any other way in Saudi Arabia.

  1. Wireless telephones, Radio transmitter

Wireless telephones, Radio transmitter/communication equipment (including walkie-talkies, shortwave, VHF, marine, police band equipment, Satellite phone cards, devices that transmit programs, security vehicle radar detectors, and cars are also on the list of items prohibited or banned by customs to bring through airports, airlines or any other way in Saudi Arabia.

Binoculars that use an electrical circuit that emits a red light to appear directly on the target, or an electrical circuit that emits a red light that appears on the lens inside the endoscope or x-rays for night vision are also banned.

  1. Nutmeg Fruit

Customs also prohibit the nutmeg fruit, its seed, and its powder from being brought through airports, airlines, or any other way in Saudi Arabia. It is only permitted to import nutmeg powder mixed with different spices within the allowable limit, which shall not exceed 20%.

  1. Cars with right-side steering wheel

Cars with steering wheels on the right side, Annoying car horns or horns that play tunes, Used tires, or retread tires are also prohibited or banned by customs to bring through airports, airlines, or any other way in Saudi Arabia.

prohibited items in saudi arabia airport

  1. Some other Prohibited Items to bring in Saudi Arabia

  • Counterfeit money.
  • Gambling devices, Lottery tickets or Slot machines.
  • Human Parts.
  • Items of human concealment.
  • Laser pens or pointers, Pinhole glasses.
  • Light-emitting shoes in which mercury is used.
  • A doctor’s prescription MUST accompany medicine and is to be for personal use only.
  • Military Items, Military uniforms, or equipment of any kind.
  • Politically sensitive material.
  • Potassium Bromate is used as an enhancer in bread production.
  • Satellite cards.
  • Stuffed animals and Pokémon toys.
  • Cola Acuminata.
  • Betel-pepper.
  • Asbestos products and materials.
  • Industrial waste and hazardous waste: pharmaceutical waste, chemical and related industries waste, municipal waste, sewage waste (mud).

  • Saudi postage stamps.

  • Products of Israeli origin or bearing Israeli logos.

  • Remote control drones and spare parts.

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