Petrol Pump workers deported for tampering with meters

Several expat workers have been arrested for tampering with petrol pump meters to overcharge customers beyond the fuel actually filled.

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They disturbed the meter reading, allowing for higher volume, thus deceiving the customers.

What is the punishment?

Expats who are arrested would not only face legal measures but also would be deported with a strict ban on re-entering Saudi Arabia stated by;

  • the Ministry of Commerce
  • the Ministry of Energy
  • Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization (SASO).

These entities had inspected a number of gas stations. There were reports that illegal practices were prevalent in certain petrol stations. Many victimized consumers had reported to the Ministry of Commerce.

How did they tamper with the meters?

It is possible to retrieve the last 10 readings from the petrol pump meters. In this way, some workers would retrieve the past meter reading, then modify them to a higher amount.

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How to control this?

While filling your car tank, make sure that you check the following to avoid scams. It will give you an idea of how much fuel is pumped.

  • Reading of the fuel dispenser.
  • Fuel Gauge of the car.

SASO’s National Metrology Program (TAQYEES) is looking forward to codifying this feature, by coordinating with gas pump manufacturers, this will help to protect the consumer’s rights. 

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