6 places to play Padel Tennis 🎾 in Jeddah

Being a fan of Padel tennis 🎾 is like hovering between two sports at a time which is tennis and squash. While the world is growing trend for Padel Tennis 🥎, how can Jedah stay behind? Here we have the top 10 places to play padel tennis in Jeddah.

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One of the pioneer and finest padel clubs in Jeddah is the B-Padel. It is more than just a Padel club, it is a community for Padel lovers. It is a home for different generations who exhibit diverse Padel skills. One of the best things that I love about B-Padel is that they have a very functional website.

From information on the Padel Racket and Padel ball, you can get equipped with useful Padel information. You can also book your slot in one of the 4 courts available there to play and master the art of Padel! It is located at the Saudi Airlines gym.

  • B-Padel location.
  • B-Padael Price: SR 330 for 90 minutes.

B-Padel in Jeddah.

Padel Royal

Padel Royal is a place for you if you want to have a fine experience with sports. They have a lavish set-up with 6 Padel courts. Not only that they provide a great ambiance for you to enjoy and excel in Padel, but they also offer training.

The Padel Royal offers Academy sessions which can be for 1 month, 3 months, 5 months, or even a year depending upon your skills. You can also opt for private lessons, enroll in a tournament and enjoy great coffee at their café. Padel Royal awaits you at Obhur.

  • Padel Royal Location.
  • Padel Royal Price: SR 189 for 60 minutes.

Padel Royal in Jeddah.


Another Padel-oriented place where your love and passion for Padel is valued. It is located Al Janubiyah district. It has a spacious court and one of the best customer services. They offer great tournaments which you can enjoy playing or watching.

The outdoor Padel courts are beautiful to play and watch. They are known for their unmatched services. from booking to playing, everything goes smoothly.

Padelhood in Jeddah,

Padel In

Padel In is an international chain also operational in Kuwait and Qatar. It is one of the biggest Padel franchises in the Middle East. It thus matches the international standards when it comes to providing a professional environment and services to the players.

It is offering great Padel courts, professional Padel Academy, and other Padel-related services such as Tournaments. The Jeddah Padel Club is one of the biggest Padel clubs Padel In with 10 indoor Padel courts.

  • Padel In Location.
  • Padel In Price: SR 320 for 90 minutes.

Just Padel

Just Padel is among our top picks for the Padel clubs in Jeddah. They have a fine outlook with great Padel services. The players can enjoy playing Padel in a professional environment. You can join their WhatsApp community to stay updated. Also, their easily accessible website helps you make bookings and manage inquiries.

Padel & Café

We love how Padel And Café is valuing all its clients, especially the ladies. It offers a special day for ladies. Thus, ladies can enjoy a day dedicated to them. You can use their website to book an appointment. Catch up with them through WhatsApp and Instagram.

Padel & Café is growing with time. They are offering a great Padel experience which allows you to have fun while you play.

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