5 letters sent by Prophet Muhammad to Kings

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ sent letters to various Kings and leaders of different nations to invite them to Islam. Most leaders accepted them with grace, but a few arrogant kings tore the letter sent by the Holy Prophet  Muhammad ﷺ into pieces.

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Today, we are going to share the digital copies of the letters sent by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to several leaders. The original copies of these letters rest in the Madina Museum. Some are displayed in Istanbul. 

Letter to Al Muqawqis of Egypt

In the Hijri’s 6th year, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ sent a letter to Al Muqawqis, who was the King of Egypt.

  • The subject of the letter was to accept Islam.
  • The ruler was told that if he converted his religion to Islam and believed in Allah, he would enjoy bounties.
  • Allah Almighty shall double his rewards.
  • A verse from The Quran was also quoted in the letter. Below is the image of the letter.
Letter sent by Prophet Muhammad to Al Muqawqis of Egypt
Letter sent by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to Al Muqawqis of Egypt

Letter to the King of Persia

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ also sent a letter to the King of Persia, Chosroes, who tore the letter into pieces. You can see below that the letter was glued after it was pulled.

When Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was informed about the behavior of Chosroes, He said that Chosroes had asked for his destruction.

Later in 654 AD, during the caliphate of Uthman bin Affan رضی اللہ عنہ, the Persian empire was conquered by Muslims.


Letter to the King of Ethiopia

Below is the letter sent by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  to Najashi, the King of Ethiopia at that time.


Letter to the King of Bahrain

The following letter was sent to Munzir ibn Sawa Al Tamimi, the King of Bahrain.


Letter to the Roman Empire

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  also sent a letter to Hercules of the Roman Empire to preach to him about Islam and invite him to convert to Islam. You can find this letter below.

Letter sent by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  to Hercules of Roman Empire
Letter sent by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  to Hercules of Roman Empire

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