How to check who is calling you in Saudi Arabia?

Unfortunately, there is no open source list of all mobile numbers in Saudi Arabia so you have to download a mobile directory to check who is calling you.

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In this mobile directory, you cannot find a list of mobile numbers in Saudi Arabia but you can check the owner of a mobile number. Keep in mind that this is not an official mobile directory but a private application.

Download Saudi Mobile Directory

In order to access the Saudi Arabia mobile number directory, you will have to download an application called “True Caller” either from Apple Store or Playstore.

Check who is calling me saudi arabia

Check who is calling you?

You can see that more than 500 million people have downloaded it from the Google Playstore.

Once the application is installed, you need to register here with your phone number. After the registration, you can search for any number of the world in it. Moreover, the application will display on your mobile the name of the person calling you from Saudi Arabia even if the number is not saved in your contact list.

Yes, it is not the official Saudi Arabia mobile number directory, but it will fetch the information about the user from its database.

saudi arabia mobile number list

How does it work?

You must be wondering how does the system of True Caller works. Well, it is very simple. When you register with the application, it takes your permission to check your contact list and the names with which you have saved those numbers. Since it has millions of users all around the world, it has millions of contact lists from those users. 

Its system takes the information of all these contact lists and matches it with other contacts and if it finds one number saved by many people with one name, it concludes that it is the real owner of the number.

If the user has created a WhatsApp, IMO, or Facebook account with this number, it also fetches that information. In this way, it works as Saudi Arabia mobile number directory.

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