Saudi man to sue his wife for checking his WhatsApp

A Saudi man in Riyadh wanted to sue his wife and take legal action against her for stealthily accessing his WhatsApp messages without his consent. On the other side, the wife is seeking to get separated from her husband.

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The incident was highlighted when a Saudi man was seen examining the option to sue his wife or take legal action against her. The reason mentioned by the husband was his wife was having access to his WhatsApp Account and she monitored his messages and media without his consent for several months.

The man’s wife is a school teacher and she had somehow managed to get access to his husband’s WhatsApp. According to the man she retrieved all the data and also video clips that he received on his number. The husband further claimed that he had no knowledge about this previously.

He further considered his wife’s behavior as spying and cybercrime. The man also favored a polite settlement of the issue between them.

Wife’s decision

The wife refused to talk any further about this issue. She sought to obtain a divorce from her husband after completing some financial obligations between the two. She said she won’t highlight the issue in public.

Be cautious while using free internet

A female cybersecurity expert said to avoid using free wifi on your mobile as these are more vulnerable to hacking. Free Wifi accesses are common in airports, public places, restaurants, etc.

Source: Saudi Gazette

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