What is the fine for taking picture without permission?

Saudi Arabia has introduced Anti-Cyber Crime Law according to which a heavy fine is imposed for taking pictures without permission.

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As per Article 3 (4) of Anti-Cyber Crime Law invasion of privacy through the misuse of camera-equipped mobile phones in Saudi Arabia is subject to a fine of SR 500,000 and imprisonment of 1-year.

Taking pictures of women

It is important to mention that people who take pictures and videos of driving women are also subject to the same punishment under the same rules.

Sharing private pics/videos on social media

As per Article 3 (5) of Anti-Cyber Crime Law infliction of damage upon others through the use of various information technology devices is also subject to a fine of SR 500,000 and imprisonment of 1-year.

What is the fine for taking picture without permission?

In other words, there is a fine of SR 500,000 for sharing pictures and videos of others on social media without their explicit permission.

Source: Saudi Anti-Cyber Crime Law

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