11 types of Jinn according to Islam

There are different types of Jinns in this world, and Islam confirms their existence through the Holy Quran as well as Hadith. We have written the names of 11 Jinns, including the most powerful, male, female, good, and bad below.

Hinn هين

Hinn is the type of jinn that is close to animals, and they appear in the form of dogs. 

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  • In Arabic, Hinn هين means “little.”

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said there are 3 classes of Jinns;

  • one which has wings and flies in the air.
  • one which consists of snakes and dogs (Hinn).
  • and one that stays in places and travels about.
  • Mishkat al-Masabih 4148

Zakariya ibn Muhammad al-Qazwani claimed in “The Book of Jinn,” published in 1283 A.D. that he sighted Hinn in Saudi Arabia, Persia, and India.

Hinn هين - Type of Jinn

Ghoul – الغول

Ghoul is a type of Jinn known as shape-shifting, cannibalistic, and blood-drinking Jinn. It is said that Ghoul feeds on the blood and flesh of human beings, especially travelers, children, or corpses that are stolen out of the graves.

  • In Arabic, Ghoul – الغول means “beast“.

Ghoul is a type of Jinn that appears to people in various forms, leads them astray in the desert, and causes their destruction. In Persian books, a Ghoul is defined as one having the legs of a donkey and the horns of a goat. It is also mentioned in a Hadith.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, “There is no infection, no serpent in a hungry belly, and no ghoul.” – Sahih Muslim 2222c

Female Ghoul - الغول

Jann – جان

Jann جان is a kind of Jinn shape-shifter that lives in deserts and usually appears as a whirlwind or white camel.

They are the enemies of the Ghoul; they are open-minded about humans and were among the first jinn encountered by the humans, and they also can hide or reveal oases in the desert.

Jann - جان - type of Jinn

Marid – مارد

Marid is a vast and powerful type of jinn: they are also mentioned in pre-Islamic Arabian mythology.

  • In Arabic, Marid مارد is used to refer to Giants.

According to the information in some pre-Islamic Mythology, Marid is described as the most powerful Jinn with extraordinary powers. They have free will, but they could be compelled to perform chores.

Marid - مارد - the most powerful Jinn

Ifrit – إفريت

Ifrit إفريت is the type of infernal Jinn who is powerful and cunning. They are also known as enormous winged creatures of fire. They live underground in societies structured along ancient Arab tribal lines.

They generally marry other Jinns but can also match a human being. Humans use magic force to enslave them or even kill them. They are often described as ruthless a wicked creatures. Ifrit Jinn is also mentioned in a Hadith.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said An ‘ifrit of the jinn came to me yesterday suddenly, to spoil my prayer, but Allah enabled me to overpower him. – Sahih al-Bukhari 3423

Ifrit - إفريت - type of Jinns

Shiqq – شق

Shiqq is a weaker kind of Jinn that looks like a half-formed monster. In Arabic, Shiqq – شق means “split, ” which is why it is called so.

Shiqq - شق

Nasnas – نسناس

Nasnas is another weak type of Jinn, usually known as the offspring of Shiqq and human beings. They are hybrids of human-like and animal-like forms.

In the book of 1001 Nights, Nasnas is described as a half-human being with half head, one arm, and one leg that hops on its single leg.

Nasnas - نسناس - A type of Jinn

Palis – باليس

Palis باليس lives in deserts and is known as a foot licker that attacks sleeping people and drains the blood from their bodies by licking the soles of their feet.

Palis has low intelligence, and it can be fooled easily. Jinn Al Kaboos is also from the Palis family.

Jinn Al Kaboos from the family of Palis Jinn

Si’lat – صلات

Silat is the most brilliant shape-shifter creature that can quickly mimic human appearance. They are also part of Persian folklore and are also described as the misinterpretation of a Mongolian warrior.

Si’lat - صلات

Shaitaan – الشيطان

Shaitaan is the devil and the mischievous Jinn, as confirmed by Islam through Hadith and the Quran. He only has the power to cast evil suggestions in the minds of human beings. Iblis إبليس is a type of Shaitan which is well-known because he refused to bow to Prophet Adam عليه السلام.

Although the word Iblis إبليس is mentioned 11 times in the Holy Quran, the term Shaitan is more prevalent. Undoubtedly, Iblis is sometimes referred to as Shaitan; the terms are not interchangeable.

Shaitaan - الشيطان

Zuzula clan – زوزولا

The Zuzula clan of Jinns زوزولا is a highly perilous group of creatures that reside in the underworld. They possess wings, horns, and sharp claws and can create chaos for anyone who dares to cross their path.

Sare is a famous Jinn in the Zuzula Clan, portrayed as the villain in horror stories and folklore.

Zuzula clan of Jinns

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