10 Tips for U.S visa interview in Saudi Arabia

Most of the visa applications for the U.S visa are rejected during the interview in Saudi Arabia. Here are some tips and frequently asked questions for U.S visa interviews.

Clothes for the U.S Visa Interview

Don’t be overdressed for the U.S visa interview in Saudi Arabia. You should look as decent as your documents portray you. Wear formal clothes as if it’s a formal meeting because the person interviewing you is an American (the interpreter may be local).

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Americans favor formal attire, so men can wear a tie as well. If you are applying as a student, look like a student formally dressed. Be decent, neat, and simple!

u.s. visa interview in saudi arabia


Value time and be punctual at U.S visa interview in Saudi Arabia. Leave a bit earlier to reach the embassy/consulate because you don’t want to get late if you are stuck in traffic and because the lines in the embassy are too long. Avoid bringing foodstuff and electronic items such as cell phones with you inside.


Eat, because the process for the U.S visa interview in Saudi Arabia takes half a day so have enough energy because you need to get in a couple of queues.

    • The first line is for Getting inside the embassy.
    • The Second line is for getting your interview number
    • The third line is for getting inside the building where the interview is scheduled (SEATED)
    • The fourth line is for Photo screening purpose (you should not be smiling in the photo you brought)
    • The fifth line is for Hand Prints
    • The sixth and final line is the interview (SEATED)

Show as if you love to visit the U.S

Your U.S visa interview in Saudi Arabia lasts only for few minutes. The main thing that the officer wants to make sure is that you won’t overstay in their country and you won’t adopt illegal means of staying in the country and return within the given time.

You should reassure them and satisfy them that you are just going for a short period and have no intentions of staying extra. You should have enough proof for them to show that you will return for sure.

Be confident

Prepare thoroughly for the U.S visa interview in Saudi Arabia, this will help you stay confident. Don’t keep nervous expressions on your face or trembling hands which might put a negative image of yours on them.

Smile and greet them nicely. Look straight into the eyes of the officer while speaking and keep straight confident posture. Officers are trained to read their expressions and body language.

Always remember you need to convince them that you won’t stay there forever, and you will return on time. None of your answers should show your intentions of settling or finding work there.

Clear answers

Give simple, clear, loud, to-the-point, short answers. Don’t tell them long stories or explanations. Giving unnecessary information might lead you to rejection. Avoid contradictory statements. Speak proper English

Be polite

Be polite in answering and never argue during the U.S visa interview in Saudi Arabia. Show respect.  Do not elaborate your answers unnecessarily as it may go against you. Don’t ask irrelevant questions or question them back.  Don’t be too aggressive with the idea of wasting the fee which you paid.


Have the correct documents ready with you for safer side. Mostly it is seen that they don’t ask for your documents to view.

  • Valid passport.
  • Birth certificate.
  • Visa DS-160 form page.
  • Photographs.
  • Application fee receipt.
  • Consent to travel for minors.
  • Employment/school/SEC certificate.
  • Marriage certificate (if married).
  • Invitation from a US resident.
  • Bank records for the last 3 months.
  • Any other documents supporting your visit to the states?

What if you fail?

If you fail to convince the officials in a U.S visa interview in Saudi Arabia don’t get disheartened as it is not permanent. You can always apply again and mention the previous reason for rejection. Be prepared for a tricky question like “what if….” Always think before speaking. It’s good if you support your answers with documents.

U.S Embassy Riyadh interview questions

In the process to apply for a U.S. visit visa, an immigration officer at an embassy in Saudi Arabia asks you some questions in an interview. Here are the generally asked questions.

1-What do you do for a living? How much do you earn? Be careful while answering this question. You need to tell the officer concretely that you have been doing your current job for X number of years and earning that much a month.

The information provided in the application form should match with the information you provide in response to this question.

2-Why do you want to travel to the United States particularly?

  • I want to attend my cousin’s son’s wedding, therefore, I have applied for a visa.
  • I have researched a lot about the attractive tourist places in the United States, therefore, I will like to visit those places.
  • I would like to travel to the US because my elder sister is undergoing a serious operation and she needs me badly.

3-How many countries have you traveled to (together)? This is his next expected question. Although you have already provided this information in the visa application form, still he wants to listen to it from you.

Keep in mind, if you have answered that you want to visit the USA as you love traveling and tourism, he will be checking how many other countries have you traveled to before?

Obviously, if you want to go to the USA but have not visited other neighboring countries like UAE, Turkey, Bahrain, Europe, your application is suspicious.

4-Why do you want to go in this particular season there?

The winter season is very rough in the U.S, therefore, I would love to explore the place in the spring season.

I have heard that the Christmas festival comes with amazing shopping sales, deals, and discounts; moreover, I want to explore the black Friday sale too. This is the main reason I am a shopaholic.

The weather in the coming month will be perfect for my road trips to the far country areas with my daughter.

5-How long would you stay in the United States?

  • I am planning to stay there for at least 2 to 3 weeks.
  • I will stay there for a month only because I have to get back to work.
  • My vacation span consists of 2 months so I will not stay longer than 2 months.

6-Where do you intend to stay in the United States?

I will live with my son-in-law as he is residing in California. (Same address as mentioned in the visa application form.

7-Do you have any family members living there?

Once again, this question has already been asked in the application form and you have answered it there. But that question was only related to Blood relations. A question about family members should be answered broadly. Yes, my uncle with his family lives there and I am planning to stay at his place.

8-How much is the expected cost of your trip?

  • With airfare, accommodation, food, and expenses, it makes a total of US $6100.
  • My son is sponsoring me.

9-Questions about Marital Status

Keep in mind that the officer wants to know your marital status. If you are applying for a visa alone, he will ask you if you are married? If you are married and applying for a visit visa alone, there are chances that you will not come back to your home country. So, the chances of visa rejection are increased.

If you are applying with your wife, it is understood that you are married. So the next question will be, when did you get married? Do you have any children? If you get married recently and you don’t have any children, you have few commitments and ties which will bring you back to Saudi Arabia. Your visa application is risky now.

If you are applying with school-going children, it is a safer condition as you have more ties which will bring you back to Saudi Arabia. 

If he suspects that you are planning to visit the USA for the delivery of your child, he will try to let you know that the U.S. government will not pay any of the medical expenses there.

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