How to update Iqama in Saudi Fransi bank online?

There are 3 ways to update your Iqama online with Saudi Fransi Bank i.e. with Mobily Application, Internet Banking, or branch visit.

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Update Iqama with Saudi Fransi Bank Mobile App

The easiest way to update your ID online is through Saudi Fransi Bank mobile application.

  • Install the application either through Playstore or iTunes and login to your account.
  • You will find a message on your home screen that your resident identity card has expired XX number of days ago. Tap on this message.

Update Iqama with Saudi Fransi Bank Mobile App

Tick the box which shows that your iqama has been renewed and tab the “Update” button.

Update Iqama with Saudi Fransi Bank Mobile AppFinally, you will find a message that your Iqama has been successfully updated with the Saudi Fransi bank. If it was frozen before, it has been activated now.

Update Iqama with Saudi Fransi Bank Mobile App

If you check at this service without renewing your Iqama, the system will take back this feature from your account and you will have to visit a Saudi Fransi branch to update your Iqama.

Iqama Update with Saudi Fransi Bank Net Banking

The second way to update your Iqama online is through Saudi Fransi Bank Internet Banking.

  • Login to your Saudi Fransi Bank internet banking account.
  • If your iqama is about to expire, you will find a message that your ID will expire on the said date. You need to click on the link provided there.

update iqama in saudi fransi bank online

A pop-up window will appear with a message to ensure that you have actually renewed your Iqama before using this service.  You need to click at “Yes, I did renew my ID”.

On the next page, check the button which states that you are authorizing the Saudi Fransi bank to retrieve your ID details from the Yaqeen system and click on the “submit” button.

Click on the “Confirm” button to proceed. The system will send you an authentication code to confirm your account. 

Finally, the system will show you a message that your Iqama has been successfully updated in the Saudi Fransi bank records.

update iqama in saudi fransi bank online

If you click on this service without renewing your Iqama, the system will take back this feature from your account and you will have to visit a Saudi Fransi branch to update your Iqama.

Update ID by visiting a Saudi Fransi Bank branch

If you are not comfortable with any of the procedures explained above to update your Iqama expiry date online, you can visit a Saudi Fransi bank branch to do the process.

  • In order to find the nearest branch, you can either search “Saudi Fransi Bank” on Google maps or use the Branch Locator.
  • Take the customer services token and explain the purpose of your visit upon your turn.
  • The bank officer will take your Iqama, make its copy, print a form from the system and ask you to sign it.
  • Soon, he will update your ID expiry date in the Saudi Fransi Bank system. If you had a frozen account, it has been updated now. 

Update ID by visiting a Saudi Fransi Bank branch

Can I update the ID through ATM Card?

As per our information, you cannot update your ID using the Saudi Fransi Bank ATM card option.

Can I update the ID with Phone Banking?

As per our information, you cannot update your ID using the Saudi Fransi Bank phone banking service. 

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