A death while performing Sajda is considered the best death in Islam. Do you know out of 124,000, how many prophets of Allah died in Sujood?
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Unfortunately, there is not much information about the deaths of prophets. The names of only 29 prophets are mentioned in the Holy Quran and we are not fully aware of the way they died.
However, there are some references that suggest that the following two prophets of Allah died in Sujood i.e Prophet Ibrahim عليه السلام and Prophet Dawud عليه السلام.
Prophet Ibrahim عليه السلام
The name of Prophet Ibrahim عليه السلام is mentioned 69 times in the Holy Quran. Prophet Ibrahim عليه السلام was the person who reconstructed the Holy Kaaba with his son Prophet Ismail عليه السلام.
While the Quran writes in detail about his life, it is silent about his death. However, according to a source, when Prophet Ibrahim عليه السلام died, he was in Sujood. (Al-Iktifāʾ bimā Taḍammanuhū Magāzī, 1:43; Subul al-Hudā, 1:159).

Prophet Dawud عليه السلام
The name of Prophet Dawud عليه السلام is mentioned 16 times in the Holy Quran. The Prophet was blessed with a book of revelations by Allah named Zabur or the Psalms.
Prophet Dawud عليه السلام was blessed with a miracle whereby he could soften iron in his hand and make out armors with them. – Quran 34:10-11

Although we know that he lived and died in Palestine, there is not much information on how he died. However, according to a source, when Prophet Dawud عليه السلام died, he was in Sujood. (Al-Bidāyah wa al-Nihāyah, 2:17).
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