2 expats executed over insecticide murder

2 expats have been executed for killing a man by spraying insecticide into his mouth.

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The media reports claim that the expats are Bangladeshi citizens who have been found guilty of killing a man by spraying insecticide into his mouth.

They managed to take along their Indian inmate to a car and then shift him to a stranded place and killed him mercilessly. They strangled him with a piece of cloth. They them sprayed insecticide to kill him.

To wash away the proofs of death, they tried to bury the dead body. But to their demise, the police was able to act promptly and find the body and the murderers.

After their arrest, they were referred to the competent court. The court ordered their execution which was upheld by the supreme court. It was later approved by the royal order, thus making it final.

Their execution took place in the  Jazan region in south-western Saudi Arabia.

Source: Gulf News

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