6 things that break or invalidate the Itikaf

Itikaf is one of the widely practiced Sunnah of the Holy Month of Ramadan. In this article, we shall explain the things which can break or invalidate Itikaf.

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  1. Leaving the Mosque

The topmost act that can break or invalidate Itikaf is to leave the mosque without a valid reason. One can leave the mosque during Itikaf for certain valid reasons.

For instance, if one needs to take a bath, need to go to the washroom, for a ghusl or even to fetch food then one can leave the mosque during Itikaf.

In modern days, the mosques are readily equipped with washrooms, so it is less likely one would leave mosque during Itikaf.

  1. Intercourse with the Partner

The second act that can break or invalidate Itikaf is to have intercourse with the partner. So, if a Motikif holds sexual relation with his wife, he is putting his Itikaf to end. 

“Do not be intimate with your spouses while you are in Itikaf in the mosques.” – Al-Baqarah 2:187

6 things that break or invalidate the Itikaf

  1. Menstruation or the Postnatal bleeding

The third thing that can break or invalidate Itikaf is the menstruation or the postnatal bleeding or post-childbirth bleeding.

  1. Committing a Major Sin

The fourth act that can break or invalidate Itikaf is to commit a major sin. So if anyone commits a major sin, he is nullifying his Itikaf.

  1. Taking drugs/alcohol

Taking drugs or alcohol is Haram in Islam and therefore, it leads to breaking Itikaf. This is because the ibadah shall be done while the person is sane, any ibadah that is done in insanity is invalid.

  1. Shirk

The last thing that can break or invalidate Itikaf is shirk i.e. to ascribe partners with Allah. Well, a person who does it is not even called a Muslim let alone doing the Itikaf.

Source: Dr. Zakir Naik

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