Does watching Porm break the fast?

Even though for a Muslim, there is no excuse for watching porm as we know that the act is sinful. Many want to ask if watching CORN breaks the fast. Do we have to repeat the fast if we watch it even for a few seconds?

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Watching the private parts

The Muslims are not allowed to look at the Aurah (private parts) of the other. By Aurah, we mean the part of the body, i.e., any part of the body that we, as Muslims, are forbidden to look at according to gender.

However, to be precise, even men cannot be completely open towards men, and so this applies to women, but only in certain circumstances, for instance, medical ones.

Does watching Porm break the fast?

However, as many Muslims have this query, watching CORN can break the fast; let us examine what fast is. Certain acts invalidate or break the fast, and watching porm is not among them.

However, if a man or woman masturbates while watching porm and achieves complete satisfaction, the fast is broken. What is the meaning of satisfaction? It is better explained in this article.


To be concise,

  • Watching porm is sinful. We should avoid it all the time.
  • It does not break the fast.
  • Hand practice breaks the fast.

May Allah guide us all to the correct and righteous path!

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