A tree falls on the car, Najm sets 100% driver mistake

A palm tree fell down on a moving car

During a sandstorm in Riyadh, a date palm tree fell down on a moving car due to heavy wind. The shocking incident was captured through the camera lens of a preceding vehicle.

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Luckily, the citizen who was inside the car was saved as he has reported no injuries. However, his vehicle was heavily damaged. He called Najm to claim insurance for the car accident.

100% Mistake of the Driver

Once Najm came, they held him 100% responsible for the accident. He tried to convince him that It was the heavy sandstorm that caused the date palm tree to uproot and fall over the car but Najm did not listen.

Later, the following video of the incident went viral on social media.

People on the internet are asking others to be safe and not go around while it is risky. Also, they are asking the Riyadh Municipal authority for compensation for the damages posed to the citizen!

Source: Saudi Gazette

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