American citizen executed in Saudi Arabia

Saudi authorities an American citizen to death for killing his father. He was not only charged with the murder of his father but also with the desecration of the dead body and an attempt to murder someone else.

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How did he kill his father?

The Ministry of Interior has disclosed that the  American citizen Bishoy Sharif Nasif had killed his father by hitting him with stones on his face and then strangling him to death.

He then did not let his father’s dead body rest in peace and tried to discrete it. He also tried to kill another person and has been addicted to narcotics.

The Ministry of Interior concluded that the police had arrested Bishoy and had investigated the matter. He was then presented to the court, where he was found guilty of intense crimes.

Death Sentence

Thus, he was sentenced to death on Thursday, August 17, 2023. The court also remarked that Bishoy Nasif’s actions constitute heinous crimes and that he has a violent nature.

While both the appeal court and the Supreme Court have affirmed the judicial decision, the Royal Court has been allowed to implement it.

Source: Urdu News

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