Saudi court issues verdict to cut one foot of the criminal

Six years ago, Awad Al-Atawi shot his cousin in the leg. The doctors had to amputate his leg to save the victim’s life. Al-Atawi was arrested and found guilty.

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Court Decision

Awad Al-Atawi was sentenced to 6 years of imprisonment and was charged with SR 335,000 for compensating the victim. Moreover, as Qisas was ordered to cut off one of his feet at King Fahd Specialist Hospital.

Appeal by the Criminal

While Atawi has served his imprisonment period and has given out compensation money, he and his family have appealed for mercy and forgiveness.

They want the victim and his family to forgive him and not get his feet amputated. According to AL-Atawi’s lawyer, he is ashamed of his act, and whatever he did was out of rage and anger. Shaitan took over him, and he committed a heinous crime.

His family and children have suffered for the past six years; he wants to join them and compensate for these years, for which he seeks mercy.

According to the lawyer, the elders of the tribe have also been approached.

Source: Urdu News

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