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After the conquest of Makkah, the Caesar of Rome was concerned as Islam was being spread quickly; therefore, he decided to attack Muslims, which laid the foundation of the battle of Ghazwa Tabuk.
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- Ghazwa means a battle fought by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ himself.
Battle of Tabuk dates
The battle of Tabuk occurred in 📍 Hunayn Valley on the route from Makkah to Taif in 🗓️ August 630 AD, corresponding to Shawwal 8 Hijri. It was the 7th battle of Islam after the battle of Hunayn.
War preparations
Syria was populated by many Christians who used to follow the orders of the Caesar of Rome. They gathered an army of 4,000 soldiers equipped with great armor.
They headed towards the fort named Tabuk. The Tabuk was located on the road that leads Al Hijr to Damascus. The army camped there.
Announcement of War
When Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was informed about the Syrian army at Tabuk, he announced a war against the enemy. Within no time, 30,000 Muslims were ready to wipe away the enemy.
Among these 30,000 men, only 10,000 were trained soldiers; rest were ordinary men who were ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of Islam.
Abdullah bin Ubayy – a hypocrite
Abdullah bin Ubayy used to call himself a Muslim but was a hypocrite. He did not want the Muslims to win the battle, so he started to discourage them.
He told them that the battle would be tough as the enemy was more significant in number, and the hot weather would make the task more difficult. He succeeded in his plan as the tribe of Khizraj changed its mind about taking part in the battle and retrieved.
Jihad became Fard
Allah made the Jihad fard in the battle of Tabuk. In every battle before the battle of Tabuk, Muslims were encouraged to Jihad, but it was not fard to them. In the battle of Tabuk, Muslims who didn’t go for the battle without any excuse were called hypocrites.
Prophet Muhammad led the army
Muslim army left for Tabuk from Madina under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ with high determination. Muslims had become a solid power by that time.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ made Ali رضي الله عنه in charge in Madina as he knew that hypocrites would cause trouble behind him.
Enemy Runaway
When the Muslim army reached Tabuk, they were surprised that the enemy wasn’t there. The enemy had run away in fear. The Muslim army, however, waited for 20 days, yet the enemy did not appear. The Muslims left the battlefield after 20 days.
Burning Masjid Dirar
When Prophet Muhammad ﷺ came back to Madina, he ordered to burn down the Masjid Dirar. We have covered the topic in detail.
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