9 facts about the Battle of Hunayn

After the conquest of Makkah, only a few tribes left who had not converted to Islam, especially the tribes of Hawazin and Thaqif. The Battle of Hunayn was fought against those tribes.

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Battle of Hunayn dates

The battle of Hunayn occurred in 📍 Hunayn Valley on the route from Makkah to Taif in 🗓️ August 630 AD, corresponding to Shawwal 8 Hijri. It was the 7th battle of Islam after the conquest of Makkah.

Hawazin and Thaqif Tribes

The tribes of Hawazin and Thaqif not only rejected the message of Allah but also started to prepare a fight against Muslims.

The Hawazin tribe, which was a Makkah-based tribe, were idol worshippers, and they were angry at the Muslims for preaching Islam. Malik ibn Awf Al-Nasri was leading them.

War Preparation

Al Nasri ordered his tribe to prepare for a war against Muslims. They got themselves equipped with men, women, children, food, money, and livestock to battle against Muslims and suppress them.

Biggest ever Muslim Army

When Prophet Muhammad ﷺ became aware of the war preparations, he ordered his men to get them prepared for the war as well. The Muslim army was comprised of 12,000 soldiers.

Among these armed men, 2,000 previously belonged to Quraish and had recently converted to Islam, while the remaining 10,000 had joined the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in the conquest of Makkah. It was the most significant force ever assembled in the Arab region.

Biggest ever Muslim Army

The Muslims left for the battle from Makkah on the 6th of Shawwal 8th Hijri. The battle, as the name indicates, took place in Hunayn. Hunayn is a valley that lies between Taif and Makkah.

The Muslims were quite confident about the victory: they knew they were greater in number and believed the battle would be easy. The later events revealed that Muslims were overconfident.

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Hawazin war plan

As the Hawazin were well aware of the fact that Muslims were in great numbers, they started to initiate a plan that would help them defeat Muslims even with a smaller army.

On the other hand, Hawazin knew the disadvantage of being a smaller army and asked his tribe to get equipped with women, children, and livestock.

With women, children, and livestock on the battlefield, soldiers are motivated to fight harder. When everything is at stake, efforts become real.

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Sudden attack in Hunayn Valley

The confident Muslims did not wear their armor while approaching the battlefield. When crossing the Hunayn Valley, the Hawazin attacked them with arrows. 

This sudden and unanticipated attack caused chaos among Muslims. They did not know what to do and started to panic. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ knew that it was time first to calm his men and then devise a strategy, but his men wouldn’t listen. They were screaming and trying to leave the valley for their lives.

Prophet Muhammad was left with only 9

At one point, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was left with only 9 Muslims around him as the rest went here and there for shelter against the rain of arrows.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ continued to call them to stay united. Muslims regrouped and attacked the enemy again. The victorious Muslims were able to defeat the Hawazin and Thaqif tribes.

The leaders and their men ran away from the battlefield, leaving 24,000 horses, 40,000 sheep, and thousands of women at the mercy of Muslims.

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Lesson from the Battle

The battle of Hunayn is a lesson for all the Muslims. No matter what the number is, it is the faith of a Muslim that can let him win any battle!

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