Best Saudi mobile package for tourists/visitors

If you are a tourist, an Umrah visa holder, or a visit visa holder coming to Saudi Arabia, you might get confused about which mobile SIM and package to get. We have made it easier by comparing the STC, Mobily, and Zain visitor packages below. 

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Although every cellular company offers visitor packages, you should take a SIM from either STC, Mobily, or Zain as they are the most reliable service providers in Saudi Arabia.

Sawa Visitor Package

STC Sawa visitor package offers internet and free local and international minutes for different durations.

PackagePrice (SAR)InternetLocal + Int'lValidityCode
Sawa Visitor 35 40 5 GB60 mins14 Days6735
Sawa Visitor 55 63 15 GB120 mins14 Days6755
Sawa Visitor 70 81 20 GB180 mins21 Days6770
Sawa Visitor 100 115 50 GB300 mins28 Days6710
Sawa Visitor 130 150 70 GB360 mins28 Days6730

To activate any Sawa Visitors package, send its activation code to 900.

  • Example: Send 6735 to 900 to activate the Sawa Visitor 35 package.

Eligible countries for STC international calling include Yemen, Sudan, the Philippines, Egypt, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, Sri Lanka, Kuwait, Nepal, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, China, Malaysia, Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan and Nigeria.

Mobily Visitor Package

Mobily visitor package offers internet and free local and international minutes for different durations.

PackagePrice (SAR)InternetSocial MediaLocal + Int'lValidityCode
Mobily Visitor 30 35 5 GBLimited60 mins14 Days*7861#
Mobily Visitor 50 58 15 GBLimited120 mins14 Days*7867#
Mobily Visitor 90 104 48 GBLimited300 mins30 Days*7866#
Mobily Visitor 100 115 25 GBUnlimited400 mins14 Days*7864#
Mobily Visitor 150 173 40 GBUnlimited600 mins30 Days*7865#

To activate any Mobily Visitors package, dial the code given above on your mobile screen. 

  • Example: Dial *7861# to activate the Mobily Visitor 30 package.

Zain Visitor Package

Zain visitor package offers internet and free local and international minutes for different durations.

PackagePrice (SAR)InternetLocal + Int'lValidityCode
Zain Visitor 40 40 6 GB60 mins14 Days4040
Zain Visitor 60 60 15 GB150 mins14 Days6060
Zain Visitor 85 85 25 GB250 mins21 Days8585
Zain Visitor 120 120 40 GB350 mins28 Days1200

To activate any Zain Visitors package, send its activation code to 959.

  • Example: Send 4040 to 959 to activate the Zain Visitor 40 package.

Zain International Calling Eligible countries: Yemen, UAE, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, Sudan, India, Egypt, Kuwait, Iraq, Libya, Algeria, Malaysia, China, Thailand, United States of America, Australia, France, and Kazakhstan.

Best Visitor Package for Tourists

After comparing the visitor packages of STC, Mobily, and Zain, we have concluded that the following two packages are the best;

  • Average Internet User: Mobily Visitor 50. 
  • Heavy Internet User: Mobily Visitor 90. 

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