How to check Mobily balance in Saudi Arabia?

You can easily check the Mobily SIM balance, internet or data balance by dialing a code, sending an SMS, or by calling their helpline.

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1st Method: Mobily balance check code

Dial the code *1411# on your mobile screen, the system will check the Mobily SIM balance and display it on your mobile screen. 

mobily balance check

In order to check Mobily internet or data balance, you can dial the code *1411*1# on your mobile screen. The system will display the remaining internet balance on your mobile screen.

In order to check your pocket WIFI data balance, dial *1411*1# on your mobile phone. We should not forget that a pocket WIFI also works with a SIM.

mobily internet balance check

2nd Method: Check balance through SMS

The second way to check your SIM or Internet/Data balance is to;

  • Write “1” in an SMS.
  • Send it to 1411.

Later, you will receive a message from Mobily containing the remaining balance. 

check mobily balance through SMS

3rd Method: Mobily Application

The third way to check your Mobily balance is to install the Application on your mobile. Once you register your account in the application, it would be very easy to manage all the Mobily services through the app.

Check Mobily Internet Balance with Application

4th Method: Call Helpline

The fourth and perhaps the most difficult way to check your balance is to call 1100 from your phone and dial 2. The system will tell you about your remaining balance.

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