How to transfer balance from Mobily to Mobily?

There are 5 methods to transfer balance or share load or credit from one Mobily number to another one. Is there a way to transfer balance from Mobily to STC or Zain? We have explained everything below.

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Method 1: Transfer Mobily balance through a code

The first way to transfer balance from Mobily to Mobily is to press the following code on your mobile screen and press the dial button.

  • *123*mobile number of the recipient*amount#
  • For example: *133*0543682844*5#
  • Amount: The amount must be entered in the multiples of 5 i.e. 5,10,15,20.

transfer balance from mobily to mobily with a code

The system will display a confirmation SMS that your request to transfer balance to the given number has been received successfully.

Method 2: Transfer Mobily balance through an SMS

The second way to share load or transfer credit from one Mobily number to another one is to write the following code in an SMS and send it to 1100. 

  • mobile number<space>amount.
  • For example: “0543682844 5”
  • Send it to 1100.
  • Amount: The amount must be entered in the multiples of 5 i.e. 5,10,15,20.

transfer balance from mobily to mobily through SMS

  • The beneficiary will receive a message: Mobile number XXX has successfully transferred a credit of SR 5 to your account.
  • The sender will receive a message: Your credit transfer of SR 5 to the mobile 0543682844 has been successfully done.

Method 3: Mobily Interactive Menue

You can also transfer balance from their interactive menu. In order to transfer balance from one Mobily number to another one, dial the following codes.

  • Dial *123#.
  • Enter the Mobile Number.
  • Enter the amount to Transfer in the multiples of 5 i.e. 5,10,15,20.

You will receive a message confirming the balance transfer.

Method 4: Transfer with Mobily Application

The fourth way to transfer balance from Mobily to Mobily is using the Mobily Application. In order to do that;

  • Download Mobily App from PlayStore or iTunes.
  • Open the application and click on the “My Line” tab.
  • Click on the “Credit Transfer”.
  • Select your Mobile Number.
  • Enter the Mobile Number of the recipient.
  • Select the amount to transfer in the multiples of 5 i.e. 5,10,15,20.

transfer balance from mobily to mobily with Application

Method 5: Transfer through Helpline

The fourth way to transfer balance from Mobily to Mobily is by calling their helpline.

  • Call 1100.
  • Select “2” for balance information.
  • Press “2” to transfer credit.
  • Press “1” for local credit transfer.
  • Enter the Mobily number e.g. 0543682844.
  • Enter the amount in the multiples of 5 (5, 10, 15, 20).
  • Press “1” to confirm the balance transfer from Mobily to Mobily.

Terms and Conditions

Prepaid Customers

  • The transaction fee is SR 0.50.
  • The amount transferred should be a multiple of 5 (5, 10, 15, 20).
  • You have an unlimited amount of transfers per day.
  • The initial balance of a new SIM cannot be transferred. Credit transfer is allowed after consuming SR 35 and recharging the account 2 times.

Postpaid customers

  • Credit Transfer from postpaid to postpaid is not allowed.
  • Postpaid customers can transfer credit to prepaid customers. 
  • The transaction fee is SR 1.
  • The amount transferred should be a multiple of 5 (5, 10, 15, 20).
  • The monthly allowed limit is 150 SAR/month.
  • The line must be active for more than 6 months.

Can we transfer Data from Mobily to Mobily?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to data or internet balance from one Mobily account to another.

Can we transfer balance from Mobily to Zain or STC?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to transfer your credit from Mobily to Zain or STC, or any other mobile network. 

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