How to check Mobily SIM number in KSA?

In case you have forgotten your Mobily SIM number in KSA, you can check it in 5 ways i.e. by dialing a code, SMS, and call.

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Method 1: Dialing a code

The easiest way to check your Mobily phone number or data SIM number in KSA is to dial a code *222# from your phone, the mobile screen will show your Mobily number immediately.

mobily number check code

Method 2: Send an SMS

If you want to check your SIM number by sending an SMS, you can write “1” in an SMS to 1411. The reply from Mobily will include your phone number.

check Mobily SIM number in KSA

Method 3: Please call me

If you are running short of balance, you can send a free “please call me” SMS from your Mobily number to a friend. In this way, you can also check the Mobily SIM number.

To send a free “please call me” SMS from Mobily, dial the following code.

Method 4: Call the Helpline

The fourth way to check your phone or data SIM number is to call the Mobily Helpline at 1100 and press the following to talk to their customer services representative.

  • Press 9 for complaints.
  • Press 1 for new complaints.
  • Press 1 for complaints about voice services.
  • Press 1 for service quality complaints.
  • Press 4 to submit an ownership complaint.

Method 5: CITC Website

While checking the number of SIM cards on Iqama, you can quickly find your phone number on any mobile network.

Installing the Mobily application on your mobile is always preferable so that even if you forget the number, you can find it from the application.

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