How to change religion on Iqama?

The 10th line of the Iqama is about the religion where it is written if you are a Muslim or a Non-Muslim. We have explained the process of changing the religion in Iqama.

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Why should you change it?

The religion on your Iqama determines if you can enter the two holy cities of Saudi Arabia, i.e., Makkah and Madina. It is important to mention that Non-Muslims cannot enter these two holy cities.

How to change religion on Iqama?

Change religion on Iqama

The sponsor will perform the following process to change the religion of Iqama.

  • GRO of the company is the sponsor of employees.
  • The family head is the sponsor of dependents.

If the religion is written by mistake or you have embraced Islam after entering Saudi Arabia, the sponsor will have to;

  • Book Jawazat Appointment with the option Resident Services.
  • Fill out the following form to change Iqama information. 
    • Point 9: تغيير الدين على الإقامة
    • Point 10: غير زلك /غير مسلم
    • Point 11: اسلام
  • Reach out to the “Ask me or Information help desk” section. They will guide which section you need to go.
  • Reach out to the respective sections and identify the sub-section where the Family Iqama-related cases are handled.
  • Inform about the changes required, and the officer will do it after verifying the details.
  • Validate the changes in the Absher portal by downloading the digital Iqama.
  • How to change the name on Iqama?

How to change religion on Iqama?

Get the print of the Iqama

After submitting the form to Jawazat, the officer might ask you some questions if you have converted to Islam recently or may congratulate you.

Soon he will ask you to get the print of the new Iqama from another window with the changed religion.

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