7 types of Saudi Premium Residency

Saudi Arabia has launched 7 types of Premium Residencies for different categories of foreigners to stay permanently in the Kingdom.

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Benefits of Premium Residency

Saudi Premium Residency comes with many benefits, such as;

  1. Premium residency to spouse and all children under 25.
  2. Conduct business in Saudi Arabia.
  3. There is no dependent fee for family members.
  4. Travel without an exit reentry visa.
  5. Own Real Estate in your name in Saudi Arabia.
  6. Iqama transfer without any transfer fee.
  7. Hosting and inviting relatives.

types of Saudi Premium Residencies

Special Talent Residency

3 types of people can get Saudi Premium Residency under the Special Talent category.

  1. Iqama holders with a minimum salary of SR 80,000/month.
  2. Professionals in healthcare and sciences with a minimum salary of SR 35,000/month.
  3. Researchers who have a minimum wage of SR 14,000/month.
  4. Apply here.

Special Talent Residency - Saudi Premium Residency

Real Estate Owner Residency

Foreigners are eligible to get the Saudi Premium Residency if they invest in real estate as per the following terms;

  • Minimum Investment: SR 4 million.
  • Property must be free from mortgage.
  • The property cannot be mortgaged even in the future.
  • The property is purchased without any financing.
  • The real estate must be residential.
  • The real estate must be fully developed. It is not allowed to buy a piece of plot and develop it to get the Residency.
  • The property valuation must be approved by an evaluator registered with Taqeem.
  • Apply here.

Real Estate Owner Residency - Saudi Premium Residency

Investor Residency

If you are a businessman who has already invested or planning to invest SR 7 million in a business, you can apply for Saudi Premium Residency under the Investor residency category. The requirements are;

  • Get an investment license.
  • Commercial Regitration.
  • SR 7 million minimum investment.
  • Creating 10 jobs in the business.
  • Apply here.

Investor Residency - Saudi Premium Residency

Entrepreneur Residency

2 types of people can get Saudi Premium Residency under the entrepreneur residency category.

First Category

  • Obtain a minimum of SAR 400,000 round as investment from an entity accredited by the center.
  • The applicant’s share in the start-up must be at least 20%.

Second Category

  • Obtain a minimum of SR 15 million round/s as investment from an entity accredited by the center.
  • The applicant’s share in the start-up must be at least 10%.
  • Apply here.

Gifted Residency

2 types of people can get Saudi Premium Residency under the Gifted Residency category.

  1. Nomination or Receiving one of the specified exceptional awards approved by the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Sports.
  2. Fulfilling the minimum eligibility criteria approved by the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Sports.
  3. Apply for it here.

Gifted Residency - Saudi Premium Residency

Limited duration residency

The limited-duration premium residency is available against an annual fee of SR 100,000/-.

Unlimited duration residency

The unlimited-duration Saudi premium residency is available against a one-time fee of SR 800,000/-.

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