How to change password for STC WiFi, Modem/Router?

Unlike Mobily and Zain, it is quite tricky to change the username and password of STC WiFi, Modem, or Router if you are using a Fiber Optic connection. In this article, we have explained the procedure in detail.

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There are two kinds of routers offered by the STC to its fiber-optic customers and there is a different procedure to change the username and password of both of them.

  • Alcatel Router.
  • Huawei Modem.

Change the password for STC Alcatel Router

In order to change the STC username and password of the Alcatel router, you need to open the IP address through Google Chrome and enter the following username and password.

  • STC Alcatel Modem Username: admin.
  • STC Alcatel Router Password: admin.

stc wifi password change

Click on “Network” and then “WAN“.

  • Enter the new username and password.
  • Click on “Apply“.

stc modem username and password

Congratulations, you have successfully changed the username and password of the STC Alcatel router.

Change the WiFi password with STC Alcatel

Open the IP address > login to your account > select “Network” > then select WIFI” > “SSID1“. After this, enter the following codes in the fields provided;

  • SSID: Wifi Username.
  • Wireless SSID Broadcast: Enable.
  • Wireless SSID Enable: Enable.
  • Security Mode: WPA/WPA2 Personal.
  • Personal Key: Password for Wifi.

As it is mentioned above, you need to enter your new STC Wifi username in SSID and the password in the field personal Key to change it.

Change the password for Huawei Modem

In order to change the STC username and password of Huawei router, you need to open the IP address through Google Chrome and enter the following username and password.

  • STC Huawei Router Username: telecomadmin.
  • STC Huawei Modem Password: admintelecom.

A new page will open where you will be required to;

  • Click on “WAN“.
  • then “(1_INTERNET_R_VID_10“.
  • Enter the new STC modem username and password.
  • Click on the “Apply” button to save the configuration.

Congratulations, you have successfully changed the username and password of the STC Huawei modem. Recommended: How to unlock the STC Huawei E5172s-927 Router in Saudi Arabia?

Change the Wifi password with STC Huawei

In order to change the STC wifi username and password of fiber optic using a Huawei router, you need to open the IP address > login to your account > select “WAN” > enter the following codes in the fields provided;

  • SSID: Wifi Username.
  • Authentication Mode: WPA-PSK.
  • Encryption Mode: TKIP null.
  • Pre-shared Key:  Wifi Password.

stc wifi password change

As it is mentioned above, you need to enter your new STC Wifi username in SSID and the password in the field Pre-shared Key to change it.

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