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After starting the employee transfer process through Qiwa, you can always check the Iqama transfer status or Naqal Kafala status online.
Keep in mind that the sponsorship is transferred in two phases;
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- HRSD Ministry/Labor Office.
- Jawazat/MOI.
- How to transfer employees through Qiwa in KSA?
Check Iqama transfer status – MOL
First of all, you need to check the Iqama transfer status through the labor office service inquiry on Click on the link;
There is no need to search for the English version as it has not been provided by the Ministry.
- نوع الخدمة: Select the option نقل خدمة عامل وافد.
- رقم إقامة العامل: Enter the Iqama number.
- Enter the verification code shown on your computer screen.
No Request for Iqama transfer
If the message appears
“لم يتم تقديم اي طلب نقل خدمة للعامل، علما بأن صاحب العمل الحالي هي مؤسسة/شركة“
it means that there is no request for the transfer of sponsorship in the system of the Ministry of Labor.
Iqama Transfer Request understudy
If the message appears while checking the iqama transfer status “تحت الدراسة“, it means that the request has been created by your new employer but it is not yet approved by the current employer.
- The validity of the iqama transfer request: 90 days.
Approved by MOL/Pending with MOI
If the message appears while checking the iqama transfer status that it is approved by the HRSD Ministry but pending with the Ministry of Interior,
- It could be because you haven’t paid the fee for the transfer of sponsorship.
- Or your new employer will have to visit Jawazat to complete the process.
Iqama has transferred
If the message appears;
“حالة الطلب في وزارة الداخلية: تم نقل خدمة العامل الى صاحب عمل جديد بتاريخ 1441/03/08، وفي حال عدم استلام رخصة الاقامة بعد, على صاحب العمل الجديد استلامها من الجوازات“,
it means that the request for the transfer of Iqama sponsorship has been accepted as you can check the name of your new Kafeel there.
Pay the fee to transfer Iqama sponsorship within 12 days of acceptance of the request to complete the process in Jawazat.
Check Iqama transfer status in Absher
After the transfer is completed at the MOL level, you can check the status of the Iqama transfer on Absher.
- Login to your Absher account
- Click on the “Dashboard“.
Mobile: A new screen will open where you need to click on the “More Detail” button.
Desktop: Look at the left side of your screen where your full name, picture, birth date, and marital status are given. Click on the “More Details” link given under this.
You can find the name of your new Kafeel here, it means that the iqama transfer status is COMPLETE.
Check Iqama transfer status – Qiwa
You can also check your Iqama transfer status through Qiwa;
- Register yourself with the Qiwa platform.
- Log in to your Qiwa Individual account
- Click on the “Individual Account“.
- You can find the name of your current employer here.
Check Kafeel Name through Mudad
You can check the Iqama transfer status through the Mudad platform as well. In order to do it;
- Register with the Mudad platform.
- Click here:
- Select Compliance System.
- Sign in to your account.
- Now you can check the name and the number of employees in your company.
Check Naqal Kafala Status through MOFA
You can also check the Iqama transfer status through the MOFA website. In order to do it;
- Activate Nafath app.
- Open this website
- Click on the “Login” button.
- Enter your Iqama Number.
- Open the Nafath app and approve the Sign in.
On the next page, you will be given many options out of which you need to select;
- Family Visit Visa Application for Residents.
If you find the name of the new employer on the next screen, it means that your Naqal Kafala has been completed.
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