How to check Zain SIM Number in KSA?

In case you have forgotten your mobile number, you can check your Zain number in 5 ways and one of them is by dialing a code.

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Method 1: Code to check Zain Number

You can check your Zain Mobile number by dialing any of the 3 codes given below;

check zain number with a code

Method 2: Please call me

The second way to check your Zain number is to request a friend to call you back using the “call me back” service. In order to do this;

Your friend will receive a request to call a number and you can find it out from there.

Method 3: Send a blank SMS

You can also send a blank SMS to 700123 and the system will tell you the numbers of all the SIMs registered under your Iqama on Zain Network.

Method 4: CITC Website

If the SIM card you are using is in your name, you can check its number through your Absher account. Here is the process;

Method 5: Call Helpline

The fourth way to find out your mobile phone number or data SIM number is to call Zain Helpline 959. They will tell you about the phone or data SIM number.

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