GOSI Calculation and benefits in Saudi Arabia

Every Saudi and Expatriate in Saudi Arabia pays a certain contribution to GOSI and in return, claims many benefits. Here is the GOSI calculation, its benefits for Saudis and Non-Saudi nationals, and shared a GOSI contribution calculator.

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GOSI Contribution Calculator

Salary Package
Monthly Basic Salary
Monthly Housing Allowance
Employer Contribution
Unemployment Contribution
Retirement Contribution
Compensation and Disability Plan
Total Employer Contribution
Employee Contribution
Unemployment Contribution
Retirement Contribution
Total Employee Contribution

  • GOSI stands for General Organization for Social Insurance.
  • The GOSI contribution is always calculated on the basic salary + housing allowance.
  • No Employee contribution for Expats.

GOSI Calculation for Expats

The employer is responsible to pay 2% of Non-Saudi employees’ salary (basic + housing) as a GOSI contribution.

  • There is no GOSI fee to be paid by the expatriate in Saudi Arabia. 

GOSI Calculation for Saudis

Employer’s Contribution

  • Unemployment Contribution = 0.75%.
  • Retirement Contribution = 9%.
  • Compensation and Disability Plan = 2%.
  • Total Employer’s contribution: 11.75%.

Employee’s Contribution

  • Unemployment Contribution = 0.75%.
  • Retirement Contribution = 9%.
  • Total Employee contribution: 9.75%.

GOSI percentage for Saudi nationals = 21.5% of salary (basic + housing).

GOSI contribution calculationGOSI Benefits to Expats + Saudis

Saudis and Non-Saudi nationals are entitled to the following benefits from the GOSI. The benefits explained in points 4,5,6 are exclusively for Saudis.

  1. Medical Care

As per Article 29 of the Social Insurance Law, the GOSI will take care of all medical expenses in case of occupational injury.

  1. Temporary Disability Allowance

As per Article 30 of the Social Insurance Law, the GOSI will pay the following in case of temporary disability resulting from work injury;

  • 100% of daily wages if medical care is provided by another party.
  • 75% of daily wages if medical care is provided by the GOSI.

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  1. Death or Permanent disability of an expat

As per Article 36 of Social Insurance Law, the GOSI will pay the following in case of death, permanent or partial disability resulting from occupational injury;

  • Partial Disability: 60 months’ salary with a maximum of SR 165,000.
  • Permanent Disability: 84 months’ salary with a maximum of SR 330,000.
  • Death: 84 months’ salary with a maximum of SR 330,000.

GOSI Benefits to Expats + Saudis

  1. Permanent disability of a Saudi

As per Article 31 of Social Insurance law, GOSI will pay a Saudi for the lifetime an average salary of the last three months in case of a permanent disability.

  1. Unemployment Allowance

As per Article 11 of Saned, a Saudi would get the following benefits from GOSI in case of termination;

  • 60% salary for the first 3 months with a maximum of SR 9,000/month.
  • 50% salary for the next 9 months with a maximum of SR 7,500/month.
  • Maximum period: 12 months every 2 years.
  1. Retirement Plan

As per Article 38 of the Social Insurance Law, a Saudi can get a monthly retirement salary;

  • If he reaches the age of 60 years with a minimum of 60 monthly contributions.
  • If he completes 300 monthly contributions.

Source: Social Insurance Law

GOSI benefits to SaudisWhat is an Occupational Injury?

An occupational or work injury is an accident that takes place;

  1. During work or it resulted from the work.
  2. On the way to the workplace from his home.
  3. On the way back home from the workplace
  4. While going somewhere to have lunch or perform prayers from the workplace.
  5. During his movements in order to perform the tasks entrusted to him by the employer.
  6. Any disease caused by work.
  7. Any disease sustained by the contributor specified in the table of occupational diseases.

Occupational Injury for GOSIHow to claim GOSI insurance?

Your employer would need to follow the following procedure to claim GOSI insurance from the GOSI;

  • The injured person must notify the employer within 7 days after the injury’s occurrence, deterioration, or complication takes place or the disease is discovered to claim GOSI Insurance.
  • The employer must notify the GOSI Field Office of the employment injury within 3 days after he is informed of the injury to claim GOSI insurance.
  • In order to check if the employer is paying a regular GOSI contribution on your behalf, you can print the GOSI certificate online.

How to claim GOSI insurance?

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