While checking some forms to apply for a visa to another country, they require you to provide the Iqama Issue date in Saudi Arabia. Here is how you can check it.
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Check Iqama Issue Date
It is the date when your Iqama was issued for the first time. To check it;
- Log in to your Absher account https://www.absher.sa/
- Click on the 3 lines in the upper right corner.
- Select “Dashboard” from the drop-down list.
- A new page will open where you must click “More Details.”
- Scroll down until you find the “Iqama Information” on Absher.
- Just below this, you can find the “Issue Date” number.
- You can also find the date you entered Saudi Arabia for the first time on this page.
Check Iqama Issue Date for dependents.
To check the Saudi Residency Card issue date of your dependents, let them create an Absher account if they are above 18 years old and follow the same procedure as explained above.
However, if a dependent is not yet 18 years old, you can calculate the Saudi residency card issue date in this way.
- Iqama expiry date minus the Number of years in Saudi Arabia.
Check Issue Date – Tawakkalna
To check the residence permit or ID issue date through Tawakkalna,
- Download the Tawakkalna Services application;
- Log in to it using your Absher ID and password.
- Click on “Digital Document“.
- Click on “Iqama ID.”
- Here, you will be able to find the issue date.
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