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In case you have forgotten your Nafath login password, you can reset or change it very easily through the application.
In order to change your Nafath password, you must have the following;
- Active Nafath Account.
- Absher Password.
- Access to mobile number registered with Absher.
- Nafath application installed in your mobile.
Log out from Nafath
If you are already logged in to the Nafath App but you have forgotten the passcode required to approve Nafath request, you need to logout from the application first. To do it;
- Click on the 3-lines on the upper left corner.
- Select the “Settings” tab.
- Click on the “Logout” option.
Reset Nafath Password
After successfully logging out from the application, you are all set to change the Nafath password.
- Open the Nafath application.
- Click on the “Log in” button.
- Enter your Iqama Number.
- Enter the Absher Password.
- How to reset Absher password?
The Nafath application will give you an option to reset your login password by entering the new PIN number.
It is always better to use a passcode that you regularly use for Nafath application as you need it for almost every government transaction now.
- Apply for a Family Visit Visa.
- Open any bank account in Saudi Arabia
- Claim insurance for car accident.
- Download GOSI Certificate.
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