I don’t want to die, Pakistani driver to Saudi nurse

Zahraa Al-Kadhem is a Saudi nurse, who was going from Safwa to Saihat  city with her four children when she saw the accident of two cars.

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She rushed towards the accident spot to provide the necessary aid as there was no medical facility yet to arrive.

She went to one of the cars where a Saudi couple had not faced serious injuries, but in the other car, the Pakistani national had gone through severe head injuries.

She went forth to see the man in severe pain saying “I don’t want to die…”

Blood was gushing down from the face of the victim. Al Khadem, whose car was parked at the scene, fetched her medical kit to provide necessary aid to the Pakistani national.

By 5 minutes, the ambulance had arrived and all the injuries were catered in the hospital. The Pakistani driver survived the injuries amid early first aid by the Saudi nurse.

Lesson from the Story

We should take a lesson from this incident to drive within the speed limits on the highways and always wear a seatbelt. 

Source: Saudi Gazette

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