How to get Iqama for newborn?

No matter a child is born inside or outside Saudi Arabia, you need to follow this procedure to get the Iqama for the newborn baby. Here is the complete procedure.

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Requirements to get Iqama for newborn baby

Now there is no need to visit Jawazat to get the Iqama for a newborn baby in Saudi Arabia. What you need to do is to make one PDF file of all the below-mentioned documents to upload to Absher.

  1. Birth Certificate for the newborn.
  2. Baby’s Passport.
  3. Valid Insurance in the system.
  4. Payment of Dependent Fee.
  5. Photographs of the newborn.
  6. Father’s passport copy.
  7. Mother’s passport copy.
  8. Father’s Iqama copy.
  9. Mother’s Iqama copy.
  10. Baby’s vaccination card.
  11. SR 1,000 fine if you are applying for Iqama after 12 months of birth (applicable only on babies born in Saudi Arabia).
  12. Original Marriage Certificate duly attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs if your wife is not under your sponsorship.

Add Requirements: Born outside Saudi Arabia

The Iqama procedure for a newborn born outside Saudi Arabia is slightly different. Once you bring the baby to Saudi Arabia, you need to arrange the following additional requirements to apply for the Iqama.

  1. Passport page with the border number.
  2. Copy of the visa stamped on the passport/on-arrival visa.
  3. Payment of SR 2,000 Iqama fee for the newborn baby.
  4. Polio immunization certificate received from the hospital.

Step 1: Apply for Iqama for newborn baby

Once you have the PDF file ready, you need to login to your Absher account

  • Click on the “Services” tab under “My Services”.
  • Select the “Passports” option.
  • Click on the “Tawasul“.

how to get iqama for new born

On the next screen, select the following settings to apply for the Iqama for a newborn baby in Saudi Arabia.

  • Click on the “New Request” button.
  • Sector: Resident Service inside the Kingdom.
  • Service: Newborn Registration if the child is born in Saudi Arabia.
  • Service: Add Dependent if the child is born outside Saudi Arabia.
  • Request Description.: Explain your problem.
  • Attachment: Attach the PDF file you have created before.
  • You can use an online PDF compressor to reduce its size.
  • The name of the PDF file should be one word only, without any space.

how to apply iqama for newborn baby

Special character not allowed: Remove all the (. ! ?, ‘ “ etc) special characters and you should be good to go.

Step 2: Rejection Reasons

If your Tawasul request is rejected with the reason

  • عليك عمل تامين طبي ويا ارسال الطلب مره اخرى, it means that the link between the insurance of your child and Jawazat is missing. You should contact your insurance company to resolve it.
  • جب ارفاق جميع الوثائق بالشكل الصحيح ليتم استكمال طلبكم, it means that there is some problem with the attachment.
  • الاسم في جواز السفر غير مطابق للاسم في شهادة ميلاد للمولوده, it means that the name on the passport does not match with the birth certificate.

Step 3: Print the Iqama

Finally, you will receive one message on your phone stating our request has been answered. At that time;

  • Log in to your Absher account
  • Click on the “General Services“.
  • Select “Passports“.
  • Click on the “Tawasul” service.
  • Select “Inquire for Requests.

If your request is accepted, you can visit the Jawazat office to get the print of the Iqama along with the following documents;

The Jawazat officer will print the Iqama immediately.

Iqama Renewal/Exit Reentry/Final exit

Many people have questioned me if they can renew their Iqamas get a final exit visa, exit reentry visa without the newborn baby Iqama. Here are the things you can/cannot do without the newborn Iqama.

  • Iqama renewal is possible but you have to pay the dependent fee for the newborn too.
  • Exit Re-Entry will not be issued with this error code: Alien has dependent with pending status.
  • Final exit cannot be issued unless you get Iqama for newborn.

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