King Salman has announced a public holiday on Wednesday for all employees be expats or Saudis working both in the private and public sectors.
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However, this announcement does not apply to a few sectors such as;
- Health Sector.
- Armed forces including the police.
- Banking sector.
- Subcontracted Employees.
The public holiday has been announced to celebrate the unexpected win of the Saudi football team in the World Cup 2022 against Argentina in the opening match.
#خادم_الحرمين_الشريفين يوجه أن يكون يوم غد الأربعاء إجازة لجميع الموظفين في كافة قطاعات الدولة والقطاع الخاص والطلبة والطالبات في جميع المراحل التعليمية.#واس
— واس الأخبار الملكية (@spagov) November 22, 2022
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