List of 25 crimes requiring arrest in Saudi Arabia

The Saudi authorities have issued a list of 25 crimes that require the culprit to be arrested immediately under Article 112 of the code of Criminal Procedures.

The list was finalized by the Saudi Attorney General Sheikh Saud bin Abdullah Al-Mua’jab. Some of the crimes from the list of 25 crimes include;

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1- Brothel setting.

2- Prostitution related activities.

3- Involvement in preparing, smuggling, or possessing intoxicants or liquor. Recommended: Punishment of drinking Alcohol in KSA

4- Crimes against national security.

5- Embezzlement of Public funds, company, or institutional funds.

6- Financial fraud exceeding SR 20,000.

7- Beating up any one of your parents.

8- Vehicle stealing.

9- Beating up a security man on duty.

10- Damaging any official vehicle or equipment.

11- Trafficking or promoting illegally.

12- Traffic accidents caused by the driver under the influence of intoxicants or narcotics.

13- Trespass with murder intention.

14- Gang crimes.

15- Border crimes.

16- Intentional or semi-intentional homicides.

17- Using a firearm in public places.

18- Any kind of commercial fraud.

The aim to establish the list of the most serious crimes is also to establish practical justice compatible with keeping pace with the progression of crimes. Its objective is also to ensure strict procedures with the nature of the crime, he added.

Source: Arab News

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