Meaning: Seeing a Well in a Dream in Islam.

Seeing yourself fetching water from a well full of water or falling inside the well while drawing water in a dream could have many meanings in Islam.

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Well in a Dream

1- According to Ibn Sirin رحمة الله عليه, the greatest dream interpreter of Islam, the well in a dream represents a woman, and the water of the well represents her wealth.

2- In a dream, seeing that the well has disappeared is a sign of the wife’s death.

Digging a Well

3- According to Islam, digging a well in a dream means that the dreamer will find a woman to marry.

What does it mean to see a well in a dream?

4- If someone digs a dry well, he will marry a poor woman and vice versa.

5- Seeing that someone is helping him dig a well in a dream means that the helper wants him to get married to someone by hook or crook.

Water of the Well

6- According to Ibrahim Karmani رحمة الله عليه, a 16th-century scholar of Islam, drinking the water from a well in a dream could have different meanings depending upon the quality of the water;

  • Coldwater = taking benefit from the wife’s wealth.
  • Sweet Water = taking the wealth of the wife with hate.
  • Hot Water = facing hardships for the wealth of the wife.
  • Black or Blue Water = Hardships and pain.
  • Transparent Water = Inheritance from wife’s wealth.

7- If water instantly spurs while digging the well in a dream, then his wife would get ill, and all the wealth would be used for treatment.

8- If someone sees that the string of the water carrier in a well is broken, it predicts a disabled child.

9- Dreaming about benefiting from a well symbolizes a year of prosperity, good irrigation, and strong dams.

10- If you see a well being filled with rainwater in a dream, it could mean you will experience benefits, profits, blessings, relief from distress, payment of debts, or a feeling of relief.

11- Irrigating your fields with someone else well means that someone is betraying the dreamer with his wife.

Jinn in the Well

12- Seeing a Jinn living inside a well in a dream means the dreamer is involved in extramarital affairs.

Dream meaning by Prophet Muhammad

13- Abdullah رضي الله عنه narrated that he saw a dream in which two angels held him and took him to the Fire. The Fire resembled a built well and had two poles in it. Abdullah recognized the people in it. He immediately began seeking refuge in Allah from the Fire. Later, he met another angel who reassured him and told him not to be afraid.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, “Abdullah is a good man. I wish he prayed, Tahajjud.” After hearing this, Abdullah (Salim’s father) started sleeping less at night.

Disclaimer: The material used to interpret dreams has been extracted from the Ibn Sirin book for dream interpretations. You can read the book here.

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