How to take Mobily Emergency Credit of SR 30?

If you are running short of balance, you can always get Mobily emergency credit, or take an advance balance/loan up to SR 30. Only prepaid customers can borrow load from Mobily.

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Mobily Advance Balance Codes

SR 5 Mobily Emergency Credit

  • Dial the code *405# or;
  • Type “405” in a message and send it to 1100.
  • SR 1 fee + SR 5 loan balance is deducted upon the next recharge.

SR 5 Mobily Advance Balance CodeSR 30 Mobily Credit Loan

  • Dial mobily advance balance code *430# or;
  • Type “430” in a message and send it to 1100.
  • SR 6 fee + SR 30 Mobily emergency credit is deducted upon the next recharge.

SR 30 Mobily Advance Balance Code300 MB Data for 7 days against SR 10

To borrow 300 MB data load for 7 days against SR 10;

  • Dial the code *403# or;
  • Type “403” in a message and send it to 1100.
  • SR 1 fee + SR 10 Mobily advance balance is deducted upon the next recharge.

how to borrow load in mobily

Mobily Emergency Credit through Application

In order to take Mobily Emergency Credit through the application;

  • Install Mobily Application from PlayStore or iTunes.
  • Enter your mobile number and log in.
  • Click on “My Line” at the bottom.
  • Select “Emergency Credit” from the options.
  • Select the emergency credit or internet.

Mobily Emergency Credit through Application

Check Mobily Emergency Credit Balance

In order to check the remaining emergency credit load;

  • Dial *400#;
  • Press “2”.
  • See the remaining emergency credit balance on the screen.

Check Mobily Emergency Credit Balance

Mobily Loan Eligibility Criteria

Following is the eligibility criteria to borrow load from Mobily;

  1. Mobily customer for at least 3 months.
  2. The current balance is less than SR 2.
  3. Recharge more than SR 30 monthly.

Mobily Emergency Credit Eligibility Criteria

In order to check if you are eligible to get Mobily Emergency Credit;

  • Dial *400#;
  • Press “4”.
  • Check the eligibility status on the screen.

Mobily Emergency Credit Eligibility Criteria

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