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Every medical professional in Saudi Arabia needs to register with the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS) by creating a new account and applying for classification with Mumaris plus.
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Required Documents
The following documents should be available on your computer before creating a new account and applying for classification in SCFHS Mumaris plus.
- Photograph.
- Passport copy.
- Degree or diploma.
- Academic transcript.
- Dataflow verification of degree.
- Employment Certificates.
- Certificate of Registration/Licensing.
- Dataflow verification of License.
- Dataflow reference number.
- R&C Exam Eligibility ID.
- Prometric exam (R&C) result.
Mumaris plus new account
First of all, open the following website to create a new account.
There will be two options from where you need to select “Individual”.
Fill the form to create a new Mumaris plus account and click on the “signup button”.
Now login to your Mumaris plus account and click on the “New Services” and then “Professional Classification” button.
Now click on the “Apply Now” button and fill the declaration form. In normal cases, all the questions will be answered with “No”.
Personal information
On the personal information page, you need to upload your photograph and the passport copy.
On the Education page, you need to enter your highest qualification, and upload the following;
- Degree or diploma.
- Academic transcript.
- Dataflow verification of degree.
- Dataflow reference number.
Work Experience
On the work experience page, you need to add the details of all your previous jobs and upload the related employment certificates.
Once the employment details are added, click on the “Add Work Experience” button again and select “A certificate of Registration/Professional Licensing” and upload;
- Certificate of Registration/License.
- Dataflow verification of License.
- Dataflow reference number.
Application details
On the application details page, enter your professional field, specialty, and qualification. Moreover, if you have already taken your Prometric or R&C exam, you need to enter the following details;
- Enter R&C Eligibility ID.
- Upload Prometric Result Copy.
If all the details are filled in correctly, submit the application which will take you to the payment screen. You can either pay SCFHS Mumaris plus fee through SADAD or a credit card.
Congratulations, you have successfully created a new account with Mumaris plus and applied for the classification to the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties. The SCFHS responds back within one to three weeks.
What Next?
Professional Classification: The first step before being registered as a health practitioner in SCFHS is creating a new account with Mumaris plus (explained above).
Professional Registration: Register officially as a health practitioner.
Professional Re-Registration: The renewal of professional registration as a health practitioner.
Recognition of CPD Hours: Recording CPD hours obtained abroad or through self-learning activities.
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