How to renew Saudi Council of Engineers membership?

Every expatriate engineer and technician needs to renew the Saudi Council of Engineers (SCE) membership for Iqama renewal. Here is the complete guide.

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Saudi engineers council renewal

Log in to your SCE account. In case you have forgotten the password for the Saudi Council of Engineers account, you can click on the “retrieve login information” button.

saudi council of engineers forgot passwordNow login to your Saudi Council of Engineers account;

  • Scroll down until you see the “Renew Membership” button.
  • This option will appear only 90 days before the SCE membership expiry.

how to renew SCE membershipA new page will open where you need to click on the “Add New Request” button.

On the next page, you need to enter 3 details;

  • The duration for which you want to renew your Saudi Council of Engineers membership.
  • Iqama Number.
  • Iqama Expiry Date.

The fee for the renewal of the Saudi Council of Engineers membership is;

  • Engineers: SR 250/year.
  • Technicians: SR 200/year.

saudi engineering council renewalAfter submitting this information, the SCE website will open a new page containing your request number for the renewal of your membership.

saudi engineering council renewalWait for a couple of hours and log in to your account again. Go to the messages section where you will find a SADAD number to pay for the renewal of your membership.

saudi engineering council renewalCheck your account again after a while of making the payment, you will find a message that your request for the renewal of the Saudi Council of Engineers membership has been accepted.

Renewing temporary membership of SCE

If you have initially got a temporary membership with the Saudi Council of Engineers, the renewal is possible in only two scenarios;

Convert the temporary SCE membership to permanent

In case you have got the degree/certificate relevant to your profession, you can convert your temporary membership of the Saudi Council of Engineers to the normal one following this way;

Log in to your SCE account and click on the option to “convert temporary membership to permanent“.

Convert the temporary SCE membership to permanentClick on the “Add New Request” button.

Convert the temporary SCE membership to permanentUpload the degree/certificate required to convert the temporary SCE membership to permanent.

convert temporary membership to permanent

Once the request status changes to “completed“, it means that the Saudi Council of Engineers has converted your temporary membership to the normal one.

Now you need to request the renewal following the procedure explained above. The SCE will issue a SADAD number to pay for the renewal of membership. Your membership will be renewed after a while.

Convert the temporary SCE membership to permanentImportant Note

If your request to convert your temporary membership to the normal one is not accepted after a few days, you can always book an SCE appointment and visit them.

Iqama renewal during the validity of SCE membership

It is worth mentioning that Iqama renewal is possible;

  • 3 months before the Iqama expiry date.
  • While your SCE membership is valid.

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