How to pay MOFA attestation fee online?

You need to pay the MOFA attestation fee online before visiting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs branch. Here we have explained the procedure using Al Rajhi and SNB bank accounts.

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MOFA Appointment

First of all, you need to book an online MOFA appointment. On the last page of the appointment, the system will generate an invoice number which you need to pay the MOFA attestation fee.

Al Rajhi Bank

In order to pay the MOFA attestation fee online through Al Rajhi bank, login to their mobile application and;

  • Click on “Payments“.
  • Select “One Time Payment“.
  • Click on the “Government Services“.
  • Search for “101 – Ministry of Foreign Affairs“.

pay MOFA attestation fee online - Al Rajhi Bank

On the next screen;

  • Enter the “invoice number” received while booking the MOFA appointment.
  • Al Rajhi system will fetch the amount of the attestation fee and ask for confirmation. 

pay MOFA attestation fee online - Al Rajhi Bank

SNB Bank

In order to pay the MOFA attestation fee online through SNB, login to their mobile application and;

  • Click on the “Menu“.
  • Select the “SADAD” option.
  • Click on the “One Time Bill Payment“.
  • Biller: Gov Agencies.
  • Biller: Search for “101 – Ministry of Foreign Affairs“.
  • Subscriber Number: Enter the “invoice number” received while booking the MOFA appointment.

pay MOFA attestation fee online - SNB Bank.

The SNB system will fetch the fee amount and ask for confirmation. 

After the payment, you can visit the MOFA office and complete the rest of the attestation process.

How to refund the fee?

In case you have paid the fee by mistake or you don’t need the service anymore, you can easily refund the fee.

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