How to attest documents from Pakistan Embassy in KSA?

A document issued by KSA can only be accepted in Pakistan if attested either from Riyadh Embassy or Jeddah consulate in Saudi Arabia. Here is the complete procedure.

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Attestation from the MOFA

If a document is issued from a Saudi Department such as a birth certificate or marriage agreement, it must be stamped by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia. 

Translation of Saudi Document

After attestation from MOFA, the next step is to translate the document into English. Many translators are sitting in front of the Pakistan Consulate in Jeddah and around the Pakistan Embassy in Riyadh.

Submit your birth certificate attested by MOFA, one photocopy and one copy of your NIC / Passport. A fee of SAR 15 will be charged per certificate.

Translation of Saudi DocumentSubmission to Pakistan Embassy

Now you can go to the Embassy or Consulate and wait for your turn to submit the translated documents or the originals as the case may be.

Collection of documents

After submitting the documents and paying the fee, the officer will tell you when you can come back and collect the attested documents. You can come at that time and collect your documents at the specified time. 

Document Attestation fee

The fee for the attestation of documents issued by any government institution or private authority in Pakistan is the following;

  • Attest power of attorney (up to 4 people): SR 18.
  • Attest power of attorney (above 4 people): SR 66.
  • Pension form: SR 4.
  • Birth Certificate attestation: SR 4.
  • Marriage Certificate: SR 15.
  • Passport/SNIC copy attestation: SR 9.

Educational Documents from Pakistan

The fee to attest educational documents issued from a school/college or university in Pakistan at Embassy/Consulate in Saudi Arabia is the following;

  • Matriculation/Intermediate: SR 4.
  • Graduation/Masters/Ph.D.: SR 8.
  • MBBS/Engineering/CA/ICMA: SR 8.
  • Religious Certificates: SR 8.
  • School Leaving Certificate: SR 4.

Educational Documents from Saudi Arabia

The fee to attest documents issued from any government institution or a school/college or university in Saudi Arabia at the Pakistan Embassy or Consulate is the following;

  • Educational Degrees: SR 4 + SR 6 for translation.
  • School Leaving Certificate: SR 4 + SR 6 for translation.
  • Driving License: SR 4 + SR 6 for translation.
  • Birth Certificate from Saudi Arabia: SR 4 + SR 6 for translation.
  • Marriage certificate from Saudi Arabia: SR 41 + SR 80 for translation.

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