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As Muslims, we believe in the existence of Jinns. Quran asks us to seek refuge from the evil of the whisperer (Jinn). A question arises can Jinns enter a human body? If yes, why and when do they enter a human body?
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- Recommended: 10 types of Jinns according to Islam
Can Jinns enter a Human body?
The majority of Ulema believe that Jinns have the power to enter a human body, implant themselves, possess them and take control of them to a degree, so that he or she turns mad.
However, Muʿtazila which is a rationalist school of Islamic theology denies the concept that Jinns can enter, seize or overpower a human body. They believe that the Jinns can achieve their goals merely through foul whispering as mentioned in the Holy Quran. – Quran 114:1-6
Why do Jinns enter a human body?
Here are three reasons why a Jinn would enter a human body.
If they don’t like a person
A Jinns might enter a human body if he does not like the person to oppress him or her. They would love to have control of you so that they could cause you harm and make themselves happy over it.
If they love the person
The Jinn might fall in love with you when you are all alone appreciating your beauty. Jinns possessing young women because of love factor has been reported frequently.
This is the reason why Prophet Muhammad ﷺ has asked us to recite بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ when we change our clothes.
Unintentional harm to the Jinn
A Jinn might enter your body because you have caused unintentional harm to the Jinn. For instance, you threw something in a corner and at that corner, a Jinn was resting.
You obviously don’t know if the Jinn was there, yet now he is angry with you. He wants to get you.
When do Jinns enter a human body?
Now the question is that how can one avoid Jinns? Can a human body be possessed by Jinn at any time? The answer is no! the Jinn needs to fulfill these four conditions to enter a human body.
When the person is extremely angry
An extremely angry mood allows the Jinn to enter the human body. However, if you change your position it would not only reduce your anger but prevent Jinns from entering your body.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said when one of you becomes angry while standing, he should sit down. If the anger leaves him, well and good; otherwise he should lie down. – Sunan Abi Dawud 4782
When you are extremely fearful
An extremely fearful state of mind makes you vulnerable for Jinn to take your possession. He finds the place to enter your body due to your nervous condition.
Excessive heedlessness
If you are not attentive to Allah, it is the perfect situation for a Jinn to enter your body and control it. For example, you are not reciting بِسْمِ اللهِ before entering the washroom or eating your meal.
The best way to protect yourself from the attack of a Jinn is to be in Wudu all the time. When you are clean (in wudu), you are in the protection of Allah.
When you are at the peak of a desire
Jinns also enter a body in a state when you are at the peak of a wrongful desire e.g. while watching porm, you are focused on that allowing Jinn to enter your body.
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