If any illegal or immoral content is shared by any member of a WhatsApp group, the admin of that group will be held responsible.
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The responsibility of the users
Sometimes social media is used negatively and it has a negative impact on society. Sharing of illicit content is one of the major problems of social media.
Sometimes it is also used by criminals and others acting against the state and the nation, they share their views on social media and create a disturbance for the general people. It is the responsibility of the whole society to act wisely while using social media and beware of any immoral or illegal activity.
The responsibility of the Admins
If any suspicious material is posted or any talks are seen that are about the security of the state, or any material is posted that shows that some kind of information is leaked about official documents or sensitive information is floated that may harm the security of the nation, the admin of the certain group must report such material to state authorities.
It is clear that the group admins are to be held responsible for all the activities carried out in their WhatsApp group. So, better be careful than sorry!
Source: Arab News
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