How to check Saudi Visa delegation (wakala)?

People used to check the Saudi Visa Delegation or Wakala through the EnjazIT website but now it has been moved to the MOFA website. 

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What is Visa Delegation?

The Saudi work visa is submitted to the Saudi Embassy through an Agent assigned by the employer/sponsor who issues the visa (in KSA). It is the travel agency in your home country that follow up in processing your electronic visa.

The process of assigning an agent to the Saudi Work Visa is called Wakala or Visa Delegation.

Why do you need this?

Generally, when you get a Saudi Visa, you get your delegate name and address from your Kafeel or sponsor in order to process your Visa.

However, there are many people who have their Visa number and Sponsor ID but they do not get their delegate name from their Kafeel and are unaware of how to know it.


In order to check your Saudi Visa Wakala delegation, the following are the requirements;

Step 01: Log in to Nafath

In order to fill out the application for a family visit visa;

Access Nafath App to apply for a family visit visa

Step 02: Ratify Individual Applications

On the next page, you will be given many options out of which you need to select;

  • Ratify Individual Applications.

check Saudi Visa delegation (wakala)

On the next page, click on “Work Visa Delegations (Musaned)” and then agree to the terms and conditions.

check Saudi Visa delegation (wakala)

On the next page, you need to enter;

  • Visa number/Musaned Number.
  • Sponsor ID.
  • Visa Issuing Authority City.

On the next page, the MOFA website will show you the Visa number, Visa date, Sponsor name, Sponsor address, and Sponsor Id and display the Visa related to Embassy in the City Occupation and Delegate Agency name.

Once again, there is no need to go to the EnjazIT website to check Wakala or Saudi Visa Delegation.

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